请教几个英语问题:1.loss lose lost三者之间的联系与区别。2.only will can all在句中的位置。3.位移

1.loss lose lost三者之间的联系与区别。
2.only will can all在句中的位置。
4.what is like how does look like what does look like how is like四者的对错与区别、用法。

losev.[ 过去式lost 过去分词lost 现在分词losing ]
vt. 失去,丢失;浪费;使沉溺于;使迷路;遗失;错过
vi. 失败;受损失
lose oneself 迷路
lose sight of 忽略;不再看见
lose face 丢脸
lose time 耽误时间;走得慢;失去时机
lose money v. 损失金钱
lose oneself in 陶醉于
lose myself 失去自我
lose control 失控
lose ground 退却,后退;股市下跌;处于不利的地位
lose out 输掉,失败
lose by 因…而吃亏;因…而遭受损失
lose yourself 迷失自我;豁出去
lose interest in 失去兴趣;对…失去兴趣;对…缺乏兴趣
lose touch 失去联系
lose faith in 不再信任;对…失去信心
lose way 减低航速
lose contact with 与…失去联系;离开…
no time to lose 没时间浪费了
lose touch with 与…失去联系
loss n. 减少;亏损;失败;遗失
lostadj.adj. 失去的;丧失的;迷惑的
v. 遗失(lose的过去分词);失败
be lost in 迷失于;迷恋
get lost 迷路;走开,滚开
lost and found 失物招领
be/fall lost in thought 陷入沉思,沉思
lost generation 迷惘的一代
paradise lost 失乐园
2.only will can all在句中的位置。
only 可以作为形容词修饰名词;作副词时,放于句首或者助动词后 如,
It is the only option. Like skin cells, when they divide, they only make more skin cells.(像皮肤细胞,当它们分离时,它们只制造更多皮肤细胞。)
will 是助动词,放于主语后,如Some of this will now go.
can 是助动词,放于主语后,如We can have a try.
all 是副词,置于句首或放于主语后谓语动动词前, 如All the students must get up.
Now we all know the Muffin Man(松饼人).
come go leave fly move arrive begin等

4.what is like how does look like what does look like how is like四者的对错与区别、用法。
都错 应该是what is he like?:他这个人(品质)怎么样
What does he look like?: 他看起来怎么样
What does he like? :他喜欢什么
第1个回答  2011-12-23
1.loss n.遗失, 丧失, 损失, 失败, 失落, 死亡
lose v.丢失,失去
lost adj. 迷路的, 丢失的, 错过的, 失败的,
4.全错。应该是What is he like?=What does he look like?
What's the weather like?=How is the weather?本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-12-24
loss v. 动词①失去,丧失;lose one’s life丧生
lose one’s life丧生
lose one’s way 迷路;
lose oneself 迷路;
lose oneself in沉湎于
lose weight 减肥
lose face丢脸
lose heart泄气,灰心
lose your mind丧失理智
lose your voice失声
lose touch with sb失去联系
第3个回答  2011-12-24
lose 损失 lose 丢 lost lose的过去式 联系 都是丢啦