
人的思维模式不能过于低下! 如果一个人老实想着前景和钱,往往就会丢掉这些东西 !而当你选择一个东西最好是根据自己的喜好,因为如果你不喜欢一件事,你是永远也做不好!因为你没有激情!所以讲这个故事的目的是告诉大家, 不管对于工商管理还是别的专业来说,就业前景固然重要!但是找到最适合自己的才是最重要的!

第1个回答  2011-12-06
People's thinking model cannot be too low! If a person always thinks about prospects and money, they tend to throw away these things! When you choose a thing, it is better for you to choose according to you preferences, because if you don't like something, you will never do it good! Because you have no passion! So the purpose of telling this story is to tell all of you, no matter for business administration or for other majors, it is true that employment prospect is important, but to find something suitable for oneself is the most important thing.
第2个回答  2011-12-07
Person's thinking can not be too low! If a person honestly think of prospects and money, they tend to lose these things! When you choose a thing is best according to their preferences, because if you do not like one thing, you never can be done! Because you do not have passion! Therefore, the purpose of this story is to tell you, no matter for business management or other professional, employment prospects are important! But to find the most suitable for them is most important!本回答被提问者采纳