


To cope with the development of this box you better, we are willing to give you a discount, we will give you a free open mold and die for us to bear. As the Spring Festival holiday reasons, fabric factory has closed, we are now not enough fabric to make a box, so sorry we can only provide a first and a small piece of the fabric of our box for your reference. If our case is inappropriate, in the years after gives you a complete sample, depending on your size and fabric box.

For the plant, the 10000 and 20000 of the cost of procurement of fabric will not be much change in the general price will reach 40,000 after significant changes.
第1个回答  2015-01-30
In order to meet the development of your better in this box, we would like to give you adiscount, we will offer you free open die and we will bear the mold fee. Due to the Spring Festival holiday, fabric factories have closed, we are now the fabric is not a box, so I am very sorry we only to provide us with a box and a small piece of fabric for your reference. If our box is not appropriate, in the years after the offer you a complete sample, according to your boxsizes and fabrics.
For the factory, the cost of 10000 and 20000 purchasing fabric won't have too big change,generally reached 40000 after the price will change obviously.