

In order to increase profits on your products, you need to make a strategy plan which will let your clients know better of your products.
The important way that making people know your product is advertising. please thinking about that you are the ownership of one air conditioner shop and how would you like to let people realize your shop? All you needs this time is just Television ads, radio advertising, advertising, newspaper ads, leaflets, E-mail ads, etc. Then through your market survey data to choose one or several advertising method. In the meanwhile, you also need to realize that your clients are the people who are having the air conditioner demand and which means the places you put the ads needed to be with higher population or at the lately-built communities. people will see and realize your shop through these.
Letting your clients know about the feature of product is the next stage and this will be the advantage of getting your clients attracted. for instance, with a lower price on your product will make you win this competition. of course, in order to achieve this you need to make a marketing research and calculation for the financial capacity of your clients and what is the price they are willing to pay for. combined your profit calculation will be the key to give your clients a reasonable price.
第1个回答  2011-12-06
第2个回答  2011-12-06
第3个回答  2011-12-06

