

We are in the world civilization, has been developed to be placed in jeopardy. Film events through Caesar's eyes spreading. He is one has the wisdom of young chimpanzee, witnessed people make many good things, such as art and reason, and then he begins to see the dark side of human nature -- oppression, narrow, began to the unknown object rejection. While the film is another important theme is human arrogance and pride -- we proud that we know torsion, advance, cheat or is to outsmart the laws of nature, then regardless of any consequence to make some behavior.
第1个回答  2011-12-02
The chimps ball rise "said is we are in a civilization, has developed to precarious moment. Through the eyes of Caesar in events unfolding. He is a superb young chimps have wisdom, have seen human make many good things, such as art and rational, and then he began to see the dark side of human nature, oppression, narrow, beginning to the unknown object and rejected. And the film another important topic is human ─ ─ we arrogant and arrogance since the earth think we know the reverse, promoting and fool or outsmarted his law of nature, regardless of any consequences and make some behavior.