求一篇题为the most important decision i have made in my life 的英语作文,四级水平


The most important decision I made in my life
We enjoyed sweet and carefree months after our wedding. Sometime, my wife felt some changes in her body, so she went to see the doctor at that weekend, when she came back from hospital, I opened the door for her, I found worriment in her face. “How is it going, my dear? ” I asked her. “It should have been good news, darling! We should have received congratulations, but there is something, something is not sure…” She stopped, but tears welled up in her eyes. I comforted her and asked her to tell me more relaxedly. Quickly, I understood. She was pregnant! My wife was expecting a baby! It should have been a delighted surprise for me, of course, the same for her. But there was a problem she worried about, that was drug abuse, which was also my care.

Factually, tow weeks ago, my wife ever applied to a supermarket for a position, before she was employed, physical examination and preventive injection were needed. Therefore, she was injected measles vaccine at that time. But this behavior, expecting baby in 6 months after injecting measles vaccine, is not recommended medically, and in some countries, it’s forbidden, as the drug might do harm to the unborn child.

I really faced dilemma on that day, though we had another choice, but it’s unbearable. we knew he was a life, he was the creation of love. At last, I decided to nourish our baby, I was aware of risk about this decision, but my mind was so fully filled with love and heart that I could not make the other choice. Later, I searched much information and many ideas about this drug abuse, I shared my wife some of it, of course I only shared her positive parts. Then, I told her that doctors were always conservative, they never gave any opinion even with little unsureness, so they told her there might have some risk. In this way, I persuaded my wife. She accepted, and I noticed smile bloomed on her face. On the next morning, she went to office gladly, but I started for work with some anxiety in my deep mind.

After 8 long and anxious months, my son was born, gratefully, he was healthy, he gained 3.5kg in the first 3 months. And also he was clever, intelligence test report endowed us with absolute confidence. I became laxative after my baby was born. Now, I think it’s grateful that I made the proper choice at that time. I’m proud of myself, I also appreciate my wife, she offered me so much support, and gave our baby so much love.

Surely, it is the most important decision I made in my life, and I believe it’s the same to my wife.
第1个回答  2011-12-20
对于你来说有做过那些类重要决定 选择一个好写的 在描述一下对你产生了什么样的影响作用 如果字数不够 还可以适当加一些 如人生中往往有很多决定需要我们去选择 怎样的选择决定怎样的人生之类的