
My name is Jen Gorman and I am looking for a translation of my name to Chinese. I would like the individual characters of the name to be significant, based on my details below:

1. Job – The Mayor of Wifeville
2. Birthday – 3/16/1977
3. State - Ohio, United States


1. Name in Chinese characters
2. Hanyu pinyin of the name
3. What each character means
4. How the characters add up to be a significant name


1. Name in Chinese characters: 嘉博
2. Hanyu pinyin of the name : Jia Bo
3. What each character means
4. How the characters add up to be a significant name
第1个回答  2007-09-16
you can have a surname of ""which pronounced exactlly like "jen",and its pronounciation in Chinese also sounds like another character which means"staight;staightness."

Then your name is ""which means benevolence and kindness.the meaning of"man"sounds like this chracter,too.

so altogether it would be "" PIN YIN:Zheng guo ren
and means straightness and benevolence.
第2个回答  2007-09-16
第3个回答  2007-09-16