
求关于Are part-time job necessary for colleges students的情景对话 一定要四人的 不要很长 每人5-6句话可以偏简单但是不要偏难 谢谢了 满意再加分

A: More and more college students are taking part-time jobs,like shop assisstant, waiter or waitress and so on. So what do you guys think of think of these phenomena?
B: Well, I really appreciate those who have the courage to work part-time and importantly take actions. But for me, study is more important.
C: In my opinion, they do this not to earn money but to increase experience and be prepared for the fierce competition.
D: One of my classmates once worked as a tour guide during the summer vacation and he paid the tuition with the money he earned.
B: That's amazing! He is so great.
D: Yeah,but not everyone can behave like him. He also told us it was really hard time working there.
C: What did they do working as a tour guide?
A: I guess he took the tourists around the attractions.
D: That only a part of it. He also told stories behind these attractions and took care of tourists, including picking them up in their hotel, arranging meals in restaurants nearby and many other things like these.
B: Wow. So much work.
C: Life is essentially hard. If you want to practice, then you have to pay the price.
A: Maybe we should take a part-time job without influencing our study. Because study really matters more than other things.
C: Exactly. We should do the right thing during the right time.
D: Some students take part-time jobs just because they don't like their major.
B: I feel sorry for them. After all, preparation is the key thing during this period of time.
A: What do you want to do if you have the time to take a job?
C: You mean only part-time job?
A: Yeah, of course.
C: Ok. I want to be a successful salesman in the future so I think I should gain experience from part-time jobs.
D: I think I will work as an assisstant.
B: Majority of students will choose this. That's also my choice because it is easy to take.
A: I prefer to work as a part-time translator. Because you know, this is my dream.
B:Yeah,once we have a dream,we should make no efforts to realise it.
D:And the best way is preparing from now on.
第1个回答  2011-12-19
A:What do you think of the part-time job?
B:I think it's necessary.
A:Why do you think so?
C:Because that i can save some money.
C;So i can finish my dream.
A;What about you?
D:I also think the part-time job is important.
D:Because i want to buy a house for my parents and i want to travel all over the world too.
A:In my opinion,i think the part-time job is necessary for colleges students.