

第1个回答  2012-05-01




Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life.-----Goethe
天才形成于平静中,性格来自于生活的激流。 -----歌德

Wherever valour true is found, truemodesty will there abound.-----W. S. Gilbert

Life can only be understood backwards, But it must be lived forward.-----Kierkergaard
前看。 -----克尔凯郭尔

A Night Mooring By Maple
-----Zhang Ji
Moon's down ,crows cry and Frost fills all the sky. By maples and boat lights, I sleepless lie. Outside Suzhou Hanshang Temple is in sight. Its ringing bells reach my boat at midnight.
月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。
青岛 宣传词
Highlight Olympic Spirit and Culture.
Green Olympics Green Qingdao.
Meeting in Beijing Sailing in Qingdao.
Set Olympic Sails and Build Our Beautiful Home.

A School-report
The father was reading the school-report which had just been handed to him by his hopeful son. His brow was wrathful as he read: "English, poor, French, weak, mathematics, mathematics, Fair," and he gave a glance of disgust at the quaking lad. "Wall, Dad." Said the son, "it is not as good as it might be, but have you seen that?" And he pointed to the next line, which read: "Health excellent."
第2个回答  2011-12-26
英文; The legend of Santa Claus in the thousands of years of Scandinavia namely appear. Scandinavian myth company wisdom, art, poetry, the war Odin, cold winter season, ride on his eight feet horse gallop mount YuTianYa cape, punishing evildoers, give out gifts. Meanwhile, the red as lightning son Raytheon for weapon and ice gods very dark self-belief a field, ultimately prevail against the cold. According to legend, pagan Santa Claus for Odin seed. Also have legend says Santa from saint Nicholas and come, so Santa also called St. Nicholas. For these stories to carry forward the spirit of Christ, mostly citations, plot largely forgotten, however, Santa Claus is etched people's spiritual world. Every year at Christmas, Santa Claus riding on the holy virgin handheld, reindeer, as the Christmas tree condescend to change, writers and artists began a Santa described as us today to familiar with white beard may, the image. At the same time different country and culture in Santa Claus will have different explanation. In Germany, legends say he pretended to be a holy boy put nuts and apples in children shoe. He take chariot around roaming, observing the behavior of people, especially children, if performance good, will get apples, nuts, sugar and so on many prizes. Bad children are a whip. Parents a brainwave in succession to use this legend to encourage children obey. Nowadays, Christmas has become a popular holiday in western countries. Santa Claus has become the most popular Christmas symbol and tradition. He drove a reindeer, pull filled with toys and gifts sled went door-to-door to give each child gift-giving happy old elf image has deep within the memory of people. Santa Claus
Santa was the original name is called Nicholas, in the fourth century, was born in Asia minor ba big pull city, family rich, parents are very warm-hearted Catholic friendly, unfortunately, his parents early death. Nicholas grew up, they gave abundant property, all contributed to poor poor people, oneself are tonsured Abbey church, lifelong, dedicated service to the society. Nicholas became priests, but also rise bishops. His life, do a lot of work of charity, his favorite in darkness, Santa Claus is to help the poor of his later BieHao, this name is by secretly sent money to help the three girls story. It is said that in Nicholas not far away, there lived three beautiful young girl, they were 20, 18, 16 years of age. Father is an assist scholar, often by borrowing to life. Once, because no ability to pay his debts, the cruel health and beauty of the third daughter, sell to creditors to Africa to do housemaid. Three daughters know this matter, then hugged sad crying, home sad situation, is imaginable. Nicholas knew about this matter, run to their home, comfort up. To night, Nicholas was served three long stocking gold and secretly hanging in three girls window. They had gold, also the father's debts, the third daughter also took off from make maid of destiny. The next day it is Christmas, they know that is made of good matter, then Nicholas invite him to celebrate side side thanks. After each till Christmas, the three girls just to tell this story. The children heard, very envy, hoping Santa Claus, to give them a socks gift. Santa's source dates back to last century, as we know, he is different legends and mysterious person type combination of the two. Santa's predecessor is Turkey western port city Iraq this mill bishop Nicholas, he lives in the fourth century A.D., was kind and generous, to the children are very good money. Orthodox respect Nicholas, regard them as created a miracle. In Germany northern and central regions, Nicholas is called "Santa Claus" in Britain are called "Father Christmas", by American Dutch settlers called later "SantaClaus". The children want to know Santa live in where, when they will receive a gift? The answer is usually Santa live at the North Pole, his workshop production Christmas gifts. In 1927 by children called "uncle" Markus children show host MarkusRautio first revealed: Santa living in lapland Korvatunturi. 圣诞节来历 12月25日是西元274年罗马皇帝奥勒良指定的庆祝罗马帝国官方庆祝叙利亚太阳神苏里耶和伊朗太阳神 圣诞节
米特拉的节日Dies Natalis Solis Invicti(意为“不可征服的太阳”生日),这一节日一直持续到基督教被定为国教之后被禁止。叙利亚太阳神崇拜最早是古罗马国王安东尼努斯(Marcus Antoninus)引入古罗马帝国还取代了主神朱庇特,并在奥勒良国王时期成为国家节日。这一天是为了庆祝太阳的重生或回归,因为那一天是一年中白天最短的日期,用中国的概念表示就是指罗马历法的冬至节。那一天以后,白天会逐渐变长,崇拜太阳神的异教徒都把这一天当作春天的希望,万物复苏的开始。同时庆祝太阳回归的那一天在世界范围内不同文化都是作为重要节日庆祝的。而存在太阳神的文化,这一天都成为了太阳被拟人化后诞生的日子。早期基督教会为了利用这一天假日,也试图把异教徒的风俗习惯基督教化,就把耶稣生日指定在了这一天。所以除去强加的宗教意义,圣诞日其实就是西方的“冬至”日。 最早在新石器时代晚期,这一天就是原始人类用作庆祝丰收并杀死牲畜和发酵酒类的日子。北欧土著萨米人在这一天祭祀他们的太阳神北威(Beiwe)。苏美尔、巴比伦等古美索不达米亚地区在这一天庆祝太阳神马尔杜克打败黑暗。印度教则在这一天祭祀太阳神苏利耶(Surya)。而伊朗民族和祅教徒在这一天庆祝太阳神米特拉战胜黑暗的节日“耶尔达节(Yalda)”,也是伊朗历第十月的第一天,标识冬季的开始。古代斯拉夫民族认为老太阳神霍尔斯(Hors)在一年中黑夜最长的12月22日被黑暗之神打败后死亡,于是斯拉夫人为此跳了霍洛舞(Horo/Khorovod),一天后,即23日太阳神霍尔斯死而复生,成为新太阳神古例大(Koleda)。在爱琴文明里,这一天被称作例纳节(Lenaia),也是希腊提洛历的第一天,是纪念酒神狄奥尼索斯被女祭司美娜德撕碎并吃掉又转生成婴儿。而这个节日影响到了古罗马共和国并成为了纪念酒神的布鲁马利亚节(Brumalia,拉丁文意为最短日)。同时,古罗马也在12月17日至23日的一周里以纪念罗马神话的农业神萨图尔努斯(Saturnus)的名义进行聚餐。因此这些关于太阳的印欧神话被近现代耶经学者们认为才是耶稣信仰的起源。不仅仅是纪念农业神的聚餐和太阳神的生日,也在于早期基督教耶稣形象借鉴自米特拉神像以及同样出身于处女,以及取材于其他神话死而复生的故事。不仅牛顿认为圣诞节就是按冬至日确定的,而且16世纪的法国修辞学教授杜朴斯(Charles Dupuis)和哲学家伏尔尼(Constantin-François Volney)则指出耶稣的一生都是按太阳通过黄道的轨迹塑造的,这一点与叙利亚、埃及和波斯的太阳神一致,都是在冬至日出生,随着处女座上升,再随着牡羊座出现直到春分日复活,玛利亚就是附会处女座,耶稣有羊的比喻实则是暗示太阳经过牡羊座。 标题 Christmas originated 英文 December twenty-fifth is 274 years BC Roman emperor ole is designated to celebrate the Roman empire official celebration Syria helios suri Jeremiah and Iran helios Christmas
Milt pull Natalis Solis Invicti festival Dies (meaning "unconquerable sun" birthday), this festival lasted until the Christian religion was designated after be banned. Syria helios worship was first Roman king canute Marcus Antoninus yunus (Anthony and into the Roman empire also replaced the Lord god Jupiter, and in ole good king became national holiday period. It is the day we celebrate the sun's rebirth or return, because that day in a year the shortest dates, using the Chinese concept says is refers to the winter festival Roman calendar. The day after day will gradually become long, the cult of the sun god this day as pagan all the spring of hope, blooms start. At the same time to celebrate the day return of the sun worldwide in different cultures are as important festivals celebrating. And the existence of Apollo culture, the day has become the sun was after the day of the birth of personification. Early Christian church in order to use this day holiday, also tries to put pagan custom christianized, put Jesus birthday designated in the day. Therefore remove imposed religious significance, Christmas day is actually western "winter solstice day". The earliest in late neolithic, this day is the original human used for celebrate the harvest and kill livestock and fermentation alcohol day. Nordic indigenous sami people in this day sacrifice their helios NWCS (Beiwe). The Sumerian, Babylon such ancient Mesopotamia on this day celebration helios omar duke beat the darkness. Hindu beliefs in on this day sacrifice helios Surya (Surya). And Iran's national and 祅 christians in this day celebration helios milt pull over darkness festival "gerda festival (Yalda)", also Iran on the first day of the first October calendar, marking the beginning of winter. Ancient Slavic national think old helios hall yunus (Hors) in a year of longest darkness on December 22, after a defeat by dark god of death, then Slav therefore jumped HuoLuo Horo/dance (Khorovod), a day later, i.e. 23 helios hall, dead, becomes the new helios ancient cases (Koleda). In the Aegean civilization, the day was called example natrium festival (Lenaia), is a Greek mention los calendar of the first day, is god, DiAo commemorative wine NiSuo by priestess beauty na DE pieces and eat again reincarnate into baby. And this festival affected the Roman republic and become a commemoration of the wine of god Brumalia bruma festival (Mary, Latin meaning for the shortest day). Meanwhile, Romans on December 17th to 23 weeks to commemorate Roman mythology of agricultural god sasha tuor garadar yunus (Saturnus) under the dinner party. So these myths about the sun of indo-european by modern "by the scholars argue that is Jesus beliefs origins. Not only are commemorative agricultural god's dinner and Apollo's birthday, but also in the early Christian Jesus image reference since milt pull gods and also comes from a virgin, and other myths watership dead story. Not only Newton think Christmas is to press the winter solstice determined and 16th century French rhetoric DuPiaoSi (professor Charles Dupuis) and philosopher FuErNi Franç ois (Constantin - Volney) is pointed out that the life of Jesus is to press the sun through the ecliptic track formed, and this point with Syria, Egypt and the Persian sun god consistent, are born in the winter solstice, as virgo rise, again with 牡羊座 appear until the vernal equinox day raised, maria is wildly virgo, Jesus the sheep in the parable of the sun was really a hint after 牡羊座.
第3个回答  2012-06-09