是一个多月前配的电脑,电脑配置:CPU:4核 硬盘1000GB,内存4G,主板梅捷的SY-G41M-DVR大板大板。有时候连续打开窗口或运行程序时,就会出现蓝屏蓝屏里文字和代码如下,请问是哪里出了问题:
Aproblem has been detected and windows
Has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error sceen ,restart your comouter,If this screen appears again,follow these steps:
check to make sure any new hardware or sftware is peoperly installed .If this is a new installation ,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you miqht need.
If problems continue,disale or remove any newly installed hardware or software .Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing,If you need to.use sufe mode to remove or disable compoents,restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced startup options,and then select safe mode.
Technical information:
☆☆☆ stop: 0x000000c2(0x0000007,0x00000CD4,0x02100001,0x891341A8)
扩展插槽还插1394接M-AUDIO FireWire SOLO 声卡,我的版载声卡已经停用,但在启动电脑时有时候没有声音,如果启用板载声卡后插在板载声卡就会有声音,使用XP系统,已经重装系统N次,并且用主板自带的驱动盘更新驱动,仍然出现,运行软件时,有时候超级兔子检测CPU温度达到65度,正常都45度,使用两个2G内存。