

Shandong Province is a coastal province in East China, abbreviated as Lu, and its capital is Jinan. It is located in the east coast of China between 34 ° 22.9 ′ - 38 ° 24.01 ′ N and 114 ° 47.5 ′ - 122 ° 42.3 ′ e.

 it borders Hebei, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces from north to south.

The central part of Shandong is mountainous, the southwest and northwest are low-lying and flat, and the East is gently hilly. The terrain is mainly mountainous and hilly. 

The East is Shandong Peninsula, the West and north belong to North China Plain, and the central and southern part is mountainous and hilly, forming a landform with mountainous and hilly as the skeleton and staggered plain basins. 

the types include mountains, hills, platforms, basins, plains, lakes and so on; It crosses the five major water systems of Huaihe River, Yellow River, Haihe River, Xiaoqing River and Jiaodong; It belongs to warm temperate monsoon climate. 

As of June 2020, Shandong Province has jurisdiction over 16 prefecture level cities, a total of 58 municipal districts, 26 county-level cities and 52 counties, a total of 136 county-level administrative regions. 

664 streets, 1092 towns and 68 townships, a total of 1824 township administrative regions. 

By the end of 2019, Shandong Province had a permanent population of 100.7021 million, a regional GDP of 7106.75 billion yuan and a per capita GDP of 70653 yuan. 

