

n.(名词)距离,路程,间距远处,远方疏远,冷淡,隔阂间隔悬殊远隔,远离长远,遥远,长久,久远adj.(形容词)远程(教育)的v.(动词)使疏远,使远离把…远远甩在后面,超过,赶过,胜过隔开,把...放在一定距离之外,放在远处不介入与…疏远,与 ... 保持距离比…做得更好或更多使显得遥远,使显得有距离二、双解释义
n.(名词)[C][U]距离,间距 amount of space between two points or places[C][U]远处,远方 distant place or point[U](时间或空间的)相距 being separated in space or by time[U]疏远,冷淡 social separation or coldness in personal relations三、网络解释
1. 间距:可输入 狭缝间距(distance) 以及 波长(wavelength) 的值若将滑鼠置於狭缝任一后, 拖著滑鼠(drag)亦可改变狭缝间距
2. 间隔:AutoCAD供应点坐标(ID),间隔(Distance),面积(area)的究诘,给图形的剖析带来了很年夜的便利,可是在实际事项中,偶尔还须究诘实体质量属性特征,AutoCAD供应实体质量属性究诘(Mass Properties),可以便利究诘实体的惯性矩、面积矩、实体的质心等,
3. 路程:根据刚才的研究和实验,我们知道了速度(speed)、时间(time)、路程(distance)三者之间有哪些关系?(速度×时间=路程 路程÷速度=时间 路程÷时间=速度)这节课你学会了哪些本领?原来乘、除法的知识还可以用在计算路程(distance)、时间(time)、速度(speed)上,
4.(distance):dx; 远距离
He judged the distance to a nicety.
My house is four miles distance from the sea.
We can see a windmill in the distance.
A lighthouse was winking in the far distance.
A more appropriate stance would be for the leader to distance itself from the com-petitors.
作为领导者,一个较正确的姿态是在自己和对手之间,拉开距离 。
Interestingly, there are several reasons why it is so important to distance oneself from the rest.
用作名词(n.)Walk on a short distance and there you are.
再往前走不了多远,你就到了。It takes strength and attention to drive a truck long distances.
跑长途的汽车司机需要付出劳力,思想也要高度集中。This is the point, from which all distances are measured.
从这一点开始来测量各方面的距离。Our destination is still some distance away .
我们的目的地离这里还有一段路程。The station is a good distance off.
车站离这儿很远。It's some distance to the shopping centre.
到购物中心相当远。It's no distance to the post office at all.
到邮局很近。We have quite a distance to walk.
我们要走相当远的路程。I was born in a town quite a distance from here.
我出生在离这儿很远的镇上。In England and America distance is measured in miles, not in kilometres.
在英美,测量距离用英里作单位,不用公里。Keep a safe distance between cars.
车与车之间要保持安全的距离。You can see the mountains in the distance.
你可以看见远处的山。I spotted something dark in the distance.
我望见远方有个黑黑的东西。We heard gunfire in the distance.
我们听到远处的枪声。A ship could be seen in the distance.
远处可以看到一艘船。Look ahead in the distance, you can just see the lights of the village.
你若向前方远处看,你就能看见村里的灯光。The balloon still can be seen in the distance.
这个大气球在远处仍能看见。In the distance loomed a towering mountain.
在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见。I live a short distance from school.
我家离学校不远。We can see the mountain from a distance.
我们从远处就可以望见重重山峦。The picture looks better from a distance.
从远处看,这幅画显得更好看一些。From a distance the child heard a woman's scream.
从很远的距离这孩子就听见了女人的尖叫声。Oil paintings are to be appreciated at a distance.
油画要在一定的距离外欣赏。Your dress looks all right at a distance.
你的衣服远看不错。The radar system can detect other planes at great distances and send a variety of radar-guided missiles to destroy them.
雷达能够探测出离它很远的飞机,并发射出各种由雷达制导的导弹把飞机摧毁掉。He won't hit the target at that distance.
他打不中那样远的目标。We planted the trees at a certain distance from each other.
我们植树时,株与株之间留出一定的间隔。We can see the mountain at a distance of three kilometres.
我们在3公里处看到了那座山。What is the distance between these two cities?
这两个城市相距有多远?The living quarters for the workers are within walking distance of the factory.
工人住宅区离工厂很近,步行可以走到。My house is within walking distance of the school.
我的房子和学校在步行可及的距离内。There are three supermarkets within walking distance in this town.
这个镇上有三个超市,很近,步行就可到达。The school is in easy walking distance.
学校很近,步行就可到达。There was some distance between them at their last meeting.
他们上次见面彼此就有些疏远了。They have always kept their distance from the neighbours.
他们很少接近左邻右舍。We haven't heard from him at this distance of time.
在这样长的时间里,我们还没有接到他的信。At this distance of time,I can't guarantee that I haven't omitted anything in recounting the event.
由于年代久远,我不能保证追述这个事件中没有任何遗漏。Things look different at a distance of 10 years.
用作名词(n.)go the distance继续跑完全程,赛足全局等 continue to run, fight, etc. until the end of a contest
keep at a distance与某人保持一段距离 refuse to let sb become familiar or friendly
keep sb at a distanceIt was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.
The captain kept his crew at a distance.
keep one's distance (from)对(人或事业)等冷淡 not become friendly or familiar with (a person, cause, etc.)
☆ 13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的destance;最初源自古典拉丁语的distantia:dis (分开) + staia (站),意为分开站。distance的相关临近词
distant、distal、distancer、distance end、distance rod、distanceless、distance bar、distancetype、distance run、distance sum、distance nut、distance map