

he Asian first flier---Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang jumps a hurdle the champion in the Athens Olympic Games 110 meters, is the first Asian the champion which obtains in the track and field project, when Liu Xiang stands on the most high-necked award platform, he smiles brightly. May have how many people to know that his result the behind contains how many setbacks, how many to be bitter. Do you know his training to enable him to adapt Athens's climate, helps them to carry on the training which the devil resembles, he delivers the suburb with the steering handle, lets him in the stipulation time run again, brutal training, but he has never had half a word complaint, is only remain obscure trains. When we daddy are talking of this and that with mother, is very affectionate, he actually cannot reunite with the parents, his several years cannot even see surface with the parents. Liu Xiang, you are our China's pride, is also our Asia's pride, we feel proud for you. Liu Xiang, although you withdrew from the competition at this Olympic Games, but I believe you, can certainly win the champion at 2012 London Olympic Games. Refuels! Liu Xiang! Refuel!亚洲第一飞人---刘翔,刘翔在雅典奥运会110米跨栏冠军,是第一个亚洲人在田径项目上取得的冠军,当刘翔站在最高领奖台上,他笑得多么灿烂。可有多少人知道他成绩的背后包含着多少挫折、多少辛酸。你们知不知道他的教练为了让他能适应雅典的气候,帮他们进行魔鬼似的训练,用车把他送到郊外去,在规定的时间内再让他跑回来,多残酷的训练呀,可他从来没有过半句怨言,只是默默无闻地训练。当我们在和妈妈爸爸谈天说地,卿卿我我的时候,他却不能和父母团聚,他甚至几年都不能与父母见一次面。刘翔,你是我们中国的骄傲,也是我们亚洲的骄傲,我们为你而感到自豪。 刘翔,虽然你在这次奥运会上退出了比赛,但是我相信你,在2012年的伦敦奥运会上一定能取得冠军。 加油吧!刘翔!加油!