
21. a special purchase of toys on very favourable terms, we are able to offer them to you at the following attractive prices.
A.having done B.having been doing C.having made D.having been made
22.We can only this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.
A.hold open B.hold openly C.hold opening D.hold to open
23.The recent advance in the cost of raw materials us to make a slight increase in the prices.
A.are compelling B.has compelled C.is being compelled D.has been compelled
24.Although costs have been steadily since last October, we have not yet our prices.
A.raising risen B.risen raising C.rising raised D.raised rising
25. Supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes.
A.In order to B.with a view to C.intending to D.owing to

21.C, 分析:前一句的逻辑主语是人we,所以是主动语态,因此可以排除D, B句意不符,A 没有这么搭配的,只有C符合。make a purchase 是固定搭配。
22B分析,根据句子的时间状语 for a few weeks,排除D,open 是瞬间动词不可和for引导的时间状语连用,因此C也排除,对于A选项来说,hold 和open都是动词,不可共存。只有B 符合答案。
24C。分析,根据句意可知,第一个动词没有宾语,因此需要个不及物动词,那么排除AD,让步状语是个完成进行时,因此B得以排除,只有C 是符合的。
25. C。分析 A选项里的to是不定式符号,要跟动词原形,因此,A排除,B,D 不符句意,因此只有C 符合答案。
第1个回答  2011-10-14
21.C 完成式
22.A 感觉是这个
23.B 主动
24.C rise表示主动,raise表示被动
25.B with a view of:以……为目的,后边动词用动名词形式
第2个回答  2011-10-14
第一题选择C ,将来进行时本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-10-15