求英语作文、题目如下.假如你是李华6月3日 乘某国外飞机回国发现丢了行李箱写信给航空公司叫他们帮忙

不要网上的 要自己写的附带翻译 求速度 字数100左右就可以了但是必须原创

Dear Airlines:
How are you?My name is Li Hua.Yesterday, L'm flying home, he found my suitcase is lost.
I'd like to be on the plane cabin.Things have my id card, 2000 yuan, a bank card and my company documents, the document is company confidential, it is very important.I'm sorry for my careless ness you make trouble, but i really need them.Hope you after receipt of letter to get my luggage sent me. i put the letter of the envelope.To post the letter's address is【】,Thank you.
September 25th 2011
Li Hua
第1个回答  2011-09-26
平时写作我建议你用易改英语写作软件, 可以帮助你改作文。我用着觉得挺好。
第2个回答  2011-09-25
To whom it may concern(or dear staff of xxx airport):
thank you for your time to read this letter.i am really sorry to inform you that i have left my luggage bag behind in your airport,and now i wish that you can help me find it.the flight number is BA7930 and the boarding time is June 3,2010.
it is a 75x40x25cm, black bag,with a brandname called Uris bags.in it there are just some pieces of summer wears and swimming suits.
but besides these mentioned above,i had put my wallet and some business papers in it when i got boarded.now these papers are in urgent need to be submitted.so it is very critical to be able to find it.
because of my carelessness,i have left it in the lounge when i went to buy something as souvenir.but when i returned there, i found my bag gone already.later,i called the police,but they said it took time.
due to its importance,i have no other idea but to place my hope on your finding it in the airport.please do me a favor and i would be heartily grateful to your kindness,no matter it would be found or not.
please allow me to give my sincerest thanks to you,for your kindness of helping me find the bag.
best wishes,

hua li
June 4,2010