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onkeblfvbr77748275422011-9-29 16:25:11关于真实性和倾向性的关系,只有在作家的思想感情适应并服从艺术形象的真实性情况下,他才能使自己关于社会效果的考虑步入正轨,否则就会出现有时令成功的作家也难免感到不安的二元化倾向。就是说,作家在艺术形象中不自觉流露出来的潜在的思想感情和他为了追求社会效果强加到作品上去的外露的思想感情,形成真假混杂,表里抵牾的矛盾,从而造成思想感情本身之间和它与艺术形象之间的分裂。这势必破坏了艺术必须浑然一体的和谐一致性。作家在创作中如果让作品的倾向性游离于艺术形象的真实性之外势必会由于缺乏必要的生气灌注而不可能具有长久的艺术魅力并获得永恒的艺术价值;评论家在评析作品时如果离开艺术形象的真实性,无视文学作品为活的有机体的特性,就不可能对作品做出实事求是的评价,更有甚者,会造成文学创作的庸俗化和文学批评的僵化。
第1个回答  2011-09-29
第2个回答  2011-09-29
第3个回答  2016-01-15
My school day
Hi!I am Zhang Luyan.I am thirteen years old.I go to Peijie Middle School in Tianjin,China.This is my school day.
I get up at six o’clock.I go to school at seven o’clock and I go to school by car.I always eat breakfast on the car.

Lessons start in the moring at half past seven.We have five lessons in the morning.At twenty to ten we have a break.We go to the playground and do exercise or running.

Our lessons over at fifteen to twelve and we have lunch.We have a midday rest at twelve forty.At one forty the midday rest is over.
The lessons start in the afternoon at two o’clock.We have four lessons in the afternoon.At twenty to four we also have a break and I talk to my friend.I often go to the playground with them.
I go to home at six o’clock.I eat supper at seven o’clock.I do my homework at half past seven.I go to bed at twelve o’clock.
This is my school day.