求一个ppt,关于短语bring up的 要求是关于bring up的用法,语法 词性等 不少于5页就行 谢了

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Must you always bring up my past? 你非得老提我过去不光彩的事吗?
She likes to bring up her child in healthy surroundings. 她希望在健康的环境中养育孩子。
You promised not to bring up that closet. 你答应过不再提那衣柜
Please do not bring up my mother. 就不要再提什么我妈了
What maintain one vice will bring up two children.
I'd like to bring up my child in healthy surroundings.
I am not going to bring up my child in this hole. 我不会在这个鬼地方养育孩子的。
The kind old couple agreed to bring up the young orphan.
Good families will bring up good children to become law-abiding members of society.
Have ability of bring up education orphan 有抚养教育被收养人的能力
She is determined to bring up the children by herself. 她决心独立扶养小孩。
It's hard to bring up children alone. 一个人独立抚养孩子是艰难的。
How to bring up babies, how to read. 如何抚养孩子,如何阅读。
I think it should be to bring up a child. 我想应该是抚养孩子吧。
The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important.
She has three young children to bring up on her own. 她独自一人要抚养三个孩子。
I really felt for her, bring up her child alone 她独立抚养孩子,我确实同情她.
He left her to bring up their young children on her own. 他留下她独自抚养他们年幼的孩子.
They have to bring up their children and usually have to work too.
Each citizen feels obliged to bring up the young and take care of the old.
He was brought up by his uncle. 他是他叔叔抚养大的。
He was brought up in the countryside. 他是在农村长大的。
He brought up all he had eaten the day before. 他把前一天吃的全吐出来了。