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run 在 CDICT英汉辞典 中的 解释:
rʌn;rʌn< run >
ran, run, run.ning, runs
1 a. 跑; 奔
b. (马匹) 疾驰
2 逃跑
seized the money and ran 抓了钱就跑
3 a. 自由地走动; 不受限制地活动
dogs that always ran loose 总是四处乱跑的狗
b. 和┅交往
runs with a wild crowd 和一群行为放荡的人为伍
c. 闲逛; 到处走
I am always running about, looking for my glasses. 我总是到处找眼镜
4 (鱼类) 成群游动 (以产卵)
5 a. 赶去; 仓促而做
run for the police 急忙去找警察
ran for help 匆忙地寻求协助
b. 求助於
He is always running to his laywer. 他总是求助於他的律师
c. 短暂拜访
ran next door to borrow a cup of sugar 到邻居家借用一杯糖
ran down to the store 去商店一下
6 a. 跑步, 赛跑
ran in the marathon 参加马拉松赛跑
athletes who run for the gold metal 为金牌而跑的运动员
b. 竞选; 竞赛
ran for mayor 竞选市长
c. 获得名次
ran second 得到第二名
7 滑, 溜
The car ran downhill. 车子滑下坡去
The drawer runs on small bearings. 抽屉在轴承上滑动
8 运转中
The engine is running. 引擎正在运转
9 有规律地移动; 来回行驶
The ferry runs every hour. 渡船每小时开一班
10『航海』(在风起前) 开航; 顺风行驶
run before a storm 在风浪肆虐前出发
11 a. 流
Fresh water runs from the spring. 清水从泉中流出
Turn on the faucet and let the water run. 把水龙头打开, 让水流出来
b. (鼻, 眼, 伤口等) 流出液体
12 溶化
A hot flame will make the solder run. 高温火□能熔化焊锡
13 扩散; 渗开
Colorfast garments are not supposed to run.不褪色的衣物其色泽应当不会扩散
14 延伸
This road runs to the next town. 这条路通往邻镇
15 蔓生; 攀延
Ivy ran up the wall. 长春藤沿墙蔓生
16 迅速传播
disease that ran rampant 猖獗的疾病
17 a. 有效
This speed limit runs only to the town line.这个时速限制只在本镇有效
b. 同时发生; 并存
Fishing rights run with ownership of the land.捕鱼权和土地所有权同时存在
18 脱针; 抽丝
Her stocking ran. 她的丝袜抽丝了
19 继续有效
a lease with one year to run还有一年才到期的租约
20 流逝
Days ran into weeks. 光阴流逝
21 一再出现
Stinginess seems to run in that family.小气吝啬似乎是那个家庭的通病
22 a. 累积; 自然增加
The interest runs from the first of the month.利息从当月的第一天开始累计
b. 成为可支付的
23 表达, 说明
My reasoning runs thus. 我的推理是如此表达的
The report runs as follows. 报告书是如此说明的
24 倾向於
Their taste in art runs to the bizzare. 他们对艺术的品味有点怪异
25 有某种范围
The sizes run from small to large. 尺寸从小到大一应俱全
26 连续展出; 连续演出
The play ran for six months. 这出剧连续演出六个月
27 变成; 陷入
We ran into debt. 我们负债了
第1个回答  2012-02-21
英文RUN一词有832个意思。 -------832种意思在不同的语境里,用中文一个词就搞定了。
第2个回答  2012-04-23
第3个回答  2012-04-22