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假日,风和日丽,风景区游人如织。一群五彩蝴蝶在一片花丛中飞舞,吸引着不少游客观赏。当中,我听到一个姑娘对男朋友动情地说:“多美的蝶恋花!”男朋友听后若有所思,然后对她说:“花恋蝶才是。”“我说蝶恋花。”“我说花恋蝶。”两人你一句我一句争得不亦乐乎。一位长者见状,忍不住插上一句:“花蝶恋就是了。”这对青年男女听后相拥,欢慰一笑。生活中人与人之间相处,难得的是“双赢”, 如果人们一旦获得“双赢”,自然会给生活带来和谐、欢乐和吉祥。可惜,现实中能获得“双赢”的机会实在不多。

第1个回答  2012-02-25
The wind is mild and the sun is bright in the holidays and there are so many visitors in the scenic spot.A group of colorful butterflies are flying in the midst of flowers which attracted many tourists to watch. " What a beautiful butterflies love flowers "I heard a girl among the tourists said to to her boyfriend passionately .Her boyfriend as if deep in thought after hearing this,and said to her"It is flowers love butterfies"," I say it is butterflies love flowers"," I say it is flowers love butterflies".They two are so happy for this one after one 's argue. Looking this ,a old man could not help interrupting "flowers butterflies love it is".This young men and women embraced and smile to each other. What is rare to get along with people in life is "win-win situation " ,Once people get the win-win situation,life in harmony, joy and good fortune is just around the corner.What a pity is that the chance to get "win-win"is not much in reality life.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-02-25
Holiday, weather, scenic visitors. A group of colorful butterflies in the flower bush flying, attracts many tourists. Which, I heard a girl on her boyfriend said with emotion:" what beautiful flowers!" male friend listened as if thinking of sth., then said to her:" passion flower is the butterfly." " I said flowers." " I love flowers and butterflies." Two people you are one win awfully. An elderly man sees, could not make it:" love is a flower." This pair of young men and women to embrace each other, a smile. Life harmony between people, it is a "win-win", if people once "win-win", the nature will bring life harmony, joy and good fortune. Unfortunately, the reality can be a" win-win" opportunity is very much. I will help him.
第3个回答  2012-04-13
It was a holiday of sunshine and gentle breezes, throngs of visitors were attracted to the scenic spot. There was a swarm of butterflies fluttering about among the flowers, while many visitors were enjoying the beauty. A girl was moved by the scene, so expressed her feeling to her boyfriend: “How beautiful the butterflies’ love to the flowers is!” Her boyfriend seemed lost in thought for her words, and then said: “But I think the flowers love the butterflies more.” “No, the butterflies love the flowers more.” They continued the argue happily. Seeing this, an elder told them: “Both of them can’t love each other more.” The two young lovers were gratified to this and hugged each other with a smile. They got “win-win”, which is very hard to get in daily life. Win-win can bring harmony, happiness and lucky, but we have few chance to achieve this.
第4个回答  2012-02-25
Holiday, weather, scenic visitors. A group of colorful butterflies in the flower bush flying, attracts many tourists. Which, I heard a girl on her boyfriend said with emotion:" what beautiful flowers!" male friend listened as if thinking of sth., then said to her:" passion flower is the butterfly." " I said flowers." " I love flowers and butterflies." Two people you are one win awfully. An elderly man sees, could not make it:" love is a flower." This pair of young men and women to embrace each other, a smile. Life harmony between people, it is a "win-win", if people once "win-win", the nature will bring life harmony, joy and good fortune. Unfortunately, the reality can be a" win-win" opportunity is very much.
第5个回答  2012-02-25
Holidays, sunny, scenic area full of tourists. A group of colorful butterflies flying in a field of flowers, which attract many tourists to watch. And I heard a girl boyfriend said emotionally: "the U.S. Dielianhua! Boyfriend to hear thoughtful, then said to her:" Flower Love Butterfly is. "" I said Dielian flower. "I said, butterfly flower love." The two of you one a win at the moment. Upon seeing an elderly person, could not help but plug in a: to spend Dielian wants. "Hugged the young men and women to hear, please feel comfort smile. Life among people, a rare "win-win", if people get a "win-win", and naturally give life to bring harmony, joy and good fortune. Unfortunately, the reality can "win-win" opportunity is very small.