英语牛津模块三第一单元project原文. 大白鲨的那个


There are nearly 400 different types of sharks, but only about 30 types have ever been reported as attacking human beings.Most people know that the most dangerous shark is the great white shark,mainly because they have seen the movie'jaws".However there are still two other sharks which are fierce.They are the tiger sharks and the bull sharks.
The changes of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers .Many more people drown in the ocean every year than are bitten by sharks.The low number of attacks that happen every year prooves that sharks do not feed on humans if they have the choice.
There are three types of shark attacks.The main one is known as a "hit and run".The sharks attacks,because it thinks you are a fish,but when it tastes a human it decides not to eat you.The second type is called a :bump and bite".The shark bumps you to find out if you are fit to be eaten andd then bites you if it thinks you are.The third type is called a "sneak".
when attacking in this way,the shark waits for you to swim by and attacks you suddenly. The latter two types of attack are more likely to deadly for humans.
However,you chances of being attacked by a shark can be reduced if you follow the advice below.
Do not swim in the dark.Sharks can still see you but you cannot see them.
Do not swim if you are cut or if you have a fresh wound.Sharks can smell blood over a long distance.
Do not wear bright clothing or jewellery because sharks are attracted to colours and shiny objects.
Try and stay in groups,as sharks usually avoid large numbers of people.

Recently,shark attacks have been increasing as water sporta are becoming more popnlar.If a shark attacks you,try some of the following tips to help you.
Do not panic.
Hit the shark on the nose.
Stick your finger in the shark`s eye.
Don`t be frightened by sharks as there is 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightning than being attacked by a shark.