

2012 变性女郎/The Danish Girl
2012 斯托克/Stoker
2012 报童/The Paperboy
2012 海明威传/Hemingway & Gellhorn
2011 随波逐流/Just Go with It
2011 非法入侵/Trespass
2010 兔子洞/Rabbit Hole
2009 九/Nine
2008 澳大利亚(又名:澳洲乱世情) Australia
2007 黄金罗盘/The Golden Compass
2007 婚礼上的玛戈特/Margot at the Wedding
2007 致命拜访/The Invasion
2006 快乐的大脚/Happy Feet
2006 皮毛/Fur
2005 致命译电(翻译风波)The Interpreter
2005 家有仙妻/Bewitched
2004 复制娇妻/The Stepford Wives
2004 重生/Birth
2003 冷山/Cold Mountain
2003 人性污点The Human Stain
2003 狗镇/Dogville
2002 时时刻刻The Hours
2001 小岛惊魂Others,The
2001 生日女郎Birthday Girl
2001 红磨坊(梦断花都)Moulin Rouge!
1999 大开眼戒Eyes Wide Shut
1998 巫法闯情关Practical Magic
1997 末日戒备The Peacemaker
1996 淑女本色The Portrait of a Lady
1995 The Leading Man
1995 不惜一切To Die For
1995 永远的蝙蝠侠Batman Forever
1993 情深到来生My Life
1993 体热边缘Malice
1992 大地雄心Far and Away
1991 情挑玉女心Flirting
1991 胜者为王Billy Bathgate
1990 雷霆壮志Days of Thunder
1989 Bangkok Hilton
1989 航越地平线Dead Calm
1988 翡翠城市 Emerald City
1987 越南 Vietnam
1987 Watch the Shadows Dance
1987 The Bit Par t
1986 Windrider
1984 Wills & Burke
1983 小子万岁 BMX Bandits
1983 Bush Christmas


第1个回答  2012-02-18