

第一单元Unit 1 Where is your pal from?
国家与语言(熟悉内容):China – Chinese (汉语,中国人) England – English Canada – Canadian (加拿大人) France – French (法语,法国人)America – American (美国人)Japan – Japanese (日语,日本人) Australia – Australian (澳大利亚人)

Unit 2 Where’s the post office?
1.There is/are (有) + sth.(某物) +sw. (某处) (有某物在某处)
2.Sb. have/has + sth. (某物) (某人有某物)
3.问路: a.Where’s the…….,please? (请问,…… 在哪儿?)
b.Is there a/an……near here/in the neighborhood?

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
1.kind of = a little bit (有几分) 2.a kind of….(一种….)
3.all kinds of…..(各种各样的…..) 4.be afraid of….(害怕….)
5.leaf (单) leaves (复) 6.at night = in the evening (在晚上)

Unit 4 I want to be an actor
1.want to be a/an….(想要当…..) 2.shop assistant (店员)
3.a.What + do/does + sb. +do? b.What + be +sb.?
c.What’s + one’s +job ? (某人是干什么工作的?)
4.give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. (把某物给某人)

Unit 5 I’m watching TV
1.现在进行时: a.现在正在发生或进行的动作.
b.构成: 主语 + be动词 + 动词的现在分词 <两者缺一不可>
<2>以不发音“e”结尾的,去 “e”加 “ing”;
<3>双写最后一个字母,再加 “ing”; eg: begin,get,let,sit,put,run,
d.现在进行时的标志词:look, listen, now, It’s + 时刻,

Unit 6 It’s raining
1..询问天气: What’s the weather like? = How’s the weather ?
It’s + 气候.
2.How’s it going ? (情况怎样了?)
3.Thanks for sth./doing sth. (因….而感谢)

Unit 7 What does he look like ?
1.What does/do + sb. + look like? (某人长什么样?)
a.Sb. + be + 形容词/ b.Sb. has/have + 名词
2.look like = be like (看起来像…….)
3.always (总是) never (决不)
4.stop doing sth. (停止做某事) stop to do sth. (停下来做…..)

Uuit 8 I’d like some noodles
1. I’d like = I would like she’d like = she would like
2.would like = want to sth./to do sth. (想要某物/做某事)
3.What kind of….would you like ? (你想要哪种……?)
What would you like/do you want ?(你想要什么?)
4.What size bowl of noodles would you like?
I’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.

Unit 9 How was your weekend ?
b.规则动词过去式的构成:<1>一般在动词词尾加 ed;
<2>以“e”结尾的动词,加 “d”构成;
<3>辅音字母加 “y”结尾的动词,要先变 “y”为 “i”,再加 “ed”;
<4>重读闭音节结尾的动词,先双写最后一个字母,再加 “ed”;
eg: stop, plan, travel, drop, shop
c.过去式的标志: yesterday (昨天) /last + 单数名词 (上一个…..)
时间段 + ago (…..以前)/just now = a moment ago (刚才)
2.help sb. with sth. (在….方面帮助某人)
3.help sb. (to) do sth. (帮助某人做某事)
4.do some +动词 “ing” (做点…….) eg; do some reading
5.stay at home (呆在家) 6.have a party (开晚会)

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation ?
1.summer camp (夏令营) 2.have fun doing sth. (做…快乐)
3.expensive=dear (贵的) cheap (便宜的)
4.两者中的另一个用 “the other”. 5.Sichuan food (川菜)
6.in the water/rain/snow/sun (在水中/雨中/雪中/太阳下)
7.in the corner (在角落里) <内部> at the corner <外部>
8.find sb. doing sth. (发现某人做某事)
9.make sb. do sth. (使某人做某事)
10.decide to do sth. (决定做某事)

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows ?
1.What do you think of/about….?(你认为…怎么样?)
How do you like……? (你觉得…..怎么样?)
2.think of/about….. (考虑….)

Unit 12 Don’t eat in class !
1.祈使句;a.以动词原形开头;b.变否定句时,在动词前加 “don’t”;
2.in class (在课上) in the class (在班上)
3.school rules (校规) 4.in the hallways (在走廊里)
5.dinning hall (餐厅) 6.be late for… (…..迟到)
7.get to….. = arrive in/at….= reach… (到达….)
8.have to (不得不) <有时态和人称变化>
must (必须) <无时态和人称变化>
9.else (别的,其它的) <常位于疑问词之后>
10.too many (太多的….) <后接可数名词复数>
too much (太多的…) <后接不可数名词>
