

1、As for speaking English,some speak better.
2、We can practice the piano once or twice a week.(这里的琴也可以用instrument吧)
3、There are some results of the students' taking an English test.
4、Most girls are active,and they want to play with boys.
keep healthy ,how much milk, how many interviewers
5、My dad wants me to eat an egg each day.
6、Reading books in bed can be harm to your eyes.
eating habits,healthy lifestyler,study better,be same as,be different from,the differences between us

第1个回答  2011-09-12
1、As to speaking English,some speak well.
2、We can practice the piano once or twice a week.
3、Here are some results of the surveys made over students' English tests.
4、Most girls are active,who want to play with boys.
keep healthy ,how much milk, how many interviewers
5、My dad wants me to eat an egg each day.
6、Reading in bed is harmful to your eyes.
eating habit,healthy lifestyle,to learn better,to be the same as,to be different from,the difference between us
第2个回答  2011-09-17
1. As for speaking English, some can speak fluently.
2. We can have piano practice once or twice in a week.
3. Here are the results of the research about the students who have participated in the English exam.
4. Most girls are very active, they prefer to play with the guys.
maintain health, how much milk, how many interviewers
5. My father wants me to have an egg everyday.
6. Reading in bed can harm your eyes.
Eating habits, healthy lifestyle, to learn better, ____ is same as____, _____ is different with____, the difference between us is ______.

参考资料:姓罗的同学 ^_^
