

Mission 1: Reach the southern airport's pink dot on a motorcycle, avoid attacks, and swim to shore. Use X to speed up. After returning to the military base, head to the green arrow-marked barracks for a $50 reward and the option to save. SGT JERRY MARTINEZ's mission point will be active.

Mission 2: Rob the camp for an M16, accompany PHIL to the harbor, and eliminate targets. Return to the base for $100, with a shooting range for practice and rewards. The mission point changes to PHIL CASSIDY.

Mission 3: Acquire a car from the southeast, escort MARY to the base, then switch to civilian clothes and find a hideout. After completion, PHIL CASSIDY's point vanishes, revealing a new mission point.

Mission 4: Drive PHIL to the police station and hospital, destroy the target vehicle, and apply paint. Finish at MARTY J WILLIAMS' mission point.

Mission 5: A challenging task involves using a forklift to transport crates with complex routes and a time limit for a $250 reward.

Mission 6: Join a helper to intercept a truck and protect PHIL, defending against pursuit. Ends at a mission point marked with a "P" letter, which disappears.

Mission 7: Team up with MARTY to eliminate enemies, earning $500.

Mission 8: Begin at the "Mw" point, but the specific task details are not provided, with an unknown reward.

Tasks summarized:

    Drive MARTY to a south office, steal a blue dot car, repair it, and return for $500.
    Destroy 3 red point trucks at the "Mw" point, $500 reward.
    Use a shotgun to destroy a target car and defeat 5 enemies, also at "Mw" point, $700.
    Rescue a girl and attack enemies at the "Mw" point, $500.
    Win a southern race for first place, "Lw" point, $500.
    Eliminate attackers at the "Lw" point, $200.
    Escort LOUISE south, defeat underlings, and track targets, no reward at "Lw" point.
    Seize MARTY's business, $1500 reward after VIC becomes a gang boss.
    LANCE VANCE mission starts at the airport sign point.
    LANCE mission: "JIVE DRIVE" involves clearing a wanted status and delivering LANCE to a hotel.
    UMBERTO ROBINA task begins at the "Southern U" point, resetting the "Lw" point.
    Rescue a girl and extinguish a fire, "Lw" point.
    Become the boss after VIC (after seizing MARTY's business), "Lw" point disappears, airport mission appears.

Guidelines for each mission follow...


这次《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市物语》虽然与PS2版的《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》(Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)几乎同名,但其实故事内容是全新制作,背景设定于 1984年的罪恶都市,在这个光鲜丽亮的大都会里,潜藏着许多不堪的犯罪事件,这个城市恍如罪恶之都,充斥着贩毒与暴力事件。
