初二英语文章 急求 今天要


Look at the calendar, it’s October 10th. After the relaxing vacation, everybody in our class is really busy. My best friend Henry is an excellent student. But he is the busiest of all. He has too many things to do. On Monday, he helps his parents babysit his sister, then comes over to his aunt’s house to help her with housework. On Tuesday, He has to have a guitar lesson from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, and then practices the piano until 11o’clock. On Wednesday, he has to study for the chemistry test. Kay invites him to her 16th birthday party on the fourth day. He’d love to go, but he has to see the doctor with his mother. Lisa asks him to go to the concert on the fifth day. Although he thanks for her asking, he has to discuss the science report with his classmates, because he must finish the project before the day after tomorrow. Maybe another time he can go. On Saturday, he has a tennis training and plays it the whole morning.
He knows he won’t be free, but he keeps happy. He is going to relax himself in the mountain by going hiking with his grandpa on Sunday morning. And he’s going to the school football match in the evening. Can you plan your life and study well? You can join him to have fun.
The goal of my life is living a simple happy and healthy life.

What I want is a simple life not a complicated one.Because what my job or career offers me are difficult issues which I must handle them properly, and sometimes they are so boring and tedious,but I have to do.So after a day's work, I want to have a break and do some things which would provide me happiness and a harmonious life. It is so simple like that, I have a supper with my families talking some funny and humourous topics, or I sit on grass with who I loved looking at the beautiful sky and counting the numbers of the stars. It is simple, but very harmonious and romantic.

I also want to spend sometime on my hobbies,such as playing table tennis,badminton,basketball and so forth.I like sports very much and I believe it will benefit me all my life.What I gained from sports are not only speed,strength and skill but also competitiveness,teamwork and so on.Sports could give me a strong and energetic body and a healthy life.

The goals of my life are just written as above,and they will be pursued by myself all my life.-----------------


Everyone needs friends. But what is a good friend like? Some people may say friends should have some things in common. Others may believe differences are important in a friendship. For me, I like to have friends who are different from me. I think friends should have opposite views and interests. It’s not necessary to be the same.
Larry is one of my best friends at primary school. We look alike. So people always say she is my twin sister. In fact, we are quite different in many ways. Larry is a little calmer than me. I’m wilder. And she is also quieter and more serious than me. I’m more outgoing and funnier. I often make her laugh. As for sports, I’m more athletic than her. I always beat her in tennis, though she is smarter than me. We are both good at schoolwork. However, my favorite subjects are physics and chemistry. Hers are English and Chinese. I mean that we can help each other with study.
As you can see, Larry is not the same as me. But I don’t care about that. She is always my good friend, now and forever.
Won it by yourself

Hey, guys, I’m Jack, just came back from Chicago, California. Here is how we have our day off. Our nice monitor, Toby, asked all the classmates to get money by ourselves to go to the aquarium. This was my first time out with my mates, so I would not ruin it. It was easy to sell those old umbrellas and raincoats in my yard sale in such a rainy, wet season. So, money was not a big problem.
With the money, we hung out to the Blue Water Aquarium. First we visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then we watched the exciting dolphins and seals shows, they really had a great competition. And I got a cool autograph and some souvenirs from that cool and nice trainer. After that, we went to the Outdoor Pool and saw an amazing octopus. Luckily, it was not my pet. But, I took many pictures of the monster. After lunch, we went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts for my lovely sister.
Best time is always short. Tired but happy, we took the bus back home.
Famous People I Admired

There are many famous people, such as gymnasts, golfers, violinists, pianists, movie actors and so on. All of them performed well and won a prize. People admired them not only because they were talented, creative or outstanding, but their great achievements to the whole world.
However, some are famous for holding an unusual record. It’s heard that somebody can hiccup or sneeze for many years. It’s really hard to believe it.
Though most of these people were great, I admire my grandmother most. She was born in 1940 in Russia, but she was a Brazilian. In my opinion, she could be good at everything because of her hardworking. She could hum songs and difficult pieces of music at an early age. When she was five, she began to write music and learn the accordion. My grandma was also an athlete. In 1956, she took part in the ice skating competition in Asia, and got the gold medal. After the championship, she toured the U.S. and Poland. Later she majored in management in University and joined the national table tennis team. From 1958 to 1960, she was the NO.1 women’s singles player in the ITTF.
Whatever she did, she did it perfectly. Even she was well-known as a champion, she worked very hard all the time. She was kind to others. To her grandson, she always said, “You are never too young to start doing things.” But to my grandpa, she would say, “Honey, you are never too old to learn things.” Although she is dead, she is always alive in my heart.
Dream Jobs

The day before yesterday, I made a survey among my students about their future resolutions. Their results sound very interesting. Most of the students are going to eat healthier food and exercise more to keep fit. Over half of them want to communicate better with their parents. Some of them are going to learn a foreign language. A few want to find a job as a language teacher.
Fred is going to be a professional programmer when he grows up. He is going to study computer science. Simon wants to be an engineer. He wants to build lots of subways and beautiful buildings. So he studies math really hard. But after retiring, maybe he wants to learn to play an instrument. Sky is going to do what he wants to do. He likes traveling all over the world. He wants to move somewhere interesting and beautiful. He tells me that he is going to be a pilot. He will work harder to be rich. Edison would like to be an artist. He wants to go to Paris. There are lots of art exhibitions held there. He wants to save some money to take acting lessons and study French at the same time. So he has to take a part-time job. Of course, he must finish high school and college first. Manuel is an exchange student. I got a fax from him yesterday. He is not sure what to do yet, maybe a reporter or a reader. He likes to write articles and send them to international magazines and newspapers.
What about you? What are you going to be when you grow up? And how are you going to do that?