
1.台湾位于太平洋西岸 东临中国东海 西南靠中国南海 台湾海峡将其与福建省分离

2。 海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望

1. Taiwan is located in the west coast of Pacific ocean , surrounded partly by China east sea and south sea and seperated from Fujian province by Taiwan strait.
2. It is the keen desire to have reunion for both sides' dwellers.

Personally speaking,I do not think Taiwanese have so keen desire. But we will try our utmost to realize it.
第1个回答  2011-08-20
1Taiwan is lied to west of Pacific Ocean,eastern sea of china,near the southern sea of china,Taiwan straits separate Taiwan island from Fujian province.
2 People on both sides of the taiwan straits is strongly willing to reunify the motherland.
第2个回答  2011-08-20
. Taiwan is located in the east China sea in the east, the west coast of the Pacific southwest China Taiwan strait on the south China sea with the separation of fujian province