

search metan
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search meta
net sj 4-2 pr0012
net install pr0012.pkg

if _caller() >= 8 {
window menu clear
window menu append submenu "stUser" "&Meta-Analysis"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Of Binary and Continuous (meta&n)" "db metan"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Of Effects (&meta)" "db meta"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Of p-values (meta&p)" "db metap"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Cumulative (meta&cum)" "db metacum"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Regression (meta®)" "db metareg"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Funnel Graph, metan-based (f&unnel)" "db funnel"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Funnel Graph, &vertical (metafunnel)" "db metafunnel"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "L'abbe Graph, metan-based (&labbe)" "db labbe"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "NNT, metan-based (metann&t)" "db metannt"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Influence Analysis, metan-based (metan&inf)" "db metaninf"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Influence Analysis, meta-based (metain&f)" "db metainf"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Galbraith Plot for Heterogeneity (&galbr)" "db galbr"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Publication Bias (meta&bias)" "db metabias"
window menu append item "Meta-Analysis" "Trim and Fill Analysis (metatrim)" "db met&atrim"
window menu refresh
第1个回答  推荐于2016-08-18
你用字符串(string)变量作为协变量(covariates)进行meta回归分析当然不行的,因为字符串变量的自动取值为0(即当字符串变量转变成数值型变量时取值都为0,不管你输入的这个变量是不是一个数字),这样就根本没法算的。估计stata程序设计时,就肯定有错误捕获程序,如出现以字符变量进行回归这样的错误时,就会提示 no observations r(2000);所以程序本身是不会有问题的,应该是你的输入有误。本回答被提问者和网友采纳