
George liked flying plane.Once he bought a smell plane and learned how to fly it.He soon became so good that he could make his plane do all kinds of tricks.
George had a friend.His name was Peter.One day George said to his friend,"Peter,would you like to have a trip in my plane?'Peter thought,"I've travelled in a big plane a few times, but I've never been in a small one,so I'll go.'
They went up,and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the sky.
When they came down,Peter was glad to be back safely,and said to his friend in a shaken voice,"Well...Georeg...,thank you very much for these two trips in your plane.'
George was very surprised and asked,"Tow trips?'
"yes,my first and my last,'answered Peter.

第1个回答  2007-07-12
乔治有个朋友叫皮特。一天乔治对他朋友说,皮特,你想不想坐坐我的飞机? 皮特想了说:我已经坐过几次大飞机了,但是从来没坐过小的,恩所以我愿意。
他们上了飞机,乔治飞了半小时并在蓝天中作了所有他学的花样飞行。当他们下了飞机,皮特很高兴自己还能活着回来,对他朋友颤抖的说:嗯。。。乔治,非常感谢坐了2次你的飞机.乔治很惊讶并问;2次? 是的。。我的第一次也是最后一次,皮特说