

他是一个坚强的勇敢的漂流者。没错,他-鲁滨逊是英国小说家丹尼尔.笛福笔下的一名主人公,出于笛福1719年所创作的虚构长篇小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》采用当时风靡一时的纪时性航海回忆录的文学体裁;主人公则以当时一名因过失被流放荒岛的水手的原形。他是个永不疲倦.永不安生的行动者,是当是不断扩张.不断攫取的资本主义原始积累时期的社会的典型产物,他不屑守成,倾心开拓,三番五次地离开小康之家,出海闯天下;他理智明达,勤于劳动并擅于劳动。他遭遇海难流落到荒岛上以后,不坐叹命运不济,而是充分利用自己的头脑和双手,修建住所,种植粮食.驯养家畜.制造器具.缝纫衣服,把荒岛改造成了井然有序的欣欣向荣的家园。他流浪多年,历经千辛万苦,终于获取了一笔可观的财富,并且收服一位忠心的仆人“星期五”,完成了他那个时代的典型英雄人物的创业历程。 当我读完了这篇小说后,使我明白了一个道理:“从根本上说,人里不开社会,也离不开健康的自我。”是荒岛经验使鲁滨逊那些被描述“原罪”和人类本性的欲望明白无误地显示出其社会性的本质。鲁滨逊的生存环境改变了:一自然为伴,与山水林木相守,孤独的生活形成某种宗教隐修的环境,迫使他和自我.和自然及神对话。为他走出荒岛融入社会有另好的基础。
第1个回答  2014-05-22
Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It tells the story of a young explorer who becomes marooned on a deserted island. His experiences of the island change his outlook on life. The story takes place in the 1700’s on a deserted island somewhere off the coast of Brazil. The island is fairly large in size and has a small shore. The interior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other small animals and a small cave in which Crusoe stores food. “I walked about the shore lifting up my hands. Look around, I see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship. At first, I was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals I had seen were wild pigs, squirrels, and some small birds.” (Ch. VI) The only possessions that Crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were a small knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe, and a small book that would later become his journal. Robinson Crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer. He was extremely tall and strong. His stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn man to an open-minded person. “Standing at six feet, two inches and having my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail, I felt as if I was eight feet tall. Without the permissi