
Do morning exercises
Eat breakfast
Have English class
Play sports
Eat dinner
Climb mountains
Go shopping
Play the piano
Fly kites
Visit grandparents
Go hiking
Make s snowman
Plant trees
Draw pictures
Cook dinner
Read a book
Answer the phone
Listen to music
Clean the room
Write a letter
drink water
take pictures
watch insects
write a report

Do morning exercises 晨练
Eat breakfast 吃早饭
Have English class 上英语课
Play sports 做运动
Eat dinner 吃午饭
Climb mountains 爬山
Go shopping 逛商店
Play the piano 弹钢琴
Fly kites 放风筝
Visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶
Go hiking 去远足
Make s snowman 做雪人
Plant trees 植树
Skate 滑雪
Draw pictures 画画
Cook dinner 做午饭
Read a book 看书
Answer the phone 接电话
Listen to music 听音乐
Clean the room 打扫房间
Write a letter 写信
e-mail 邮件
fly 飞
jump 跳
walk 走
run 跑
swim 游泳
sleep 睡觉
climb 爬,攀登
fight 打架,奋斗
swing 挥动
drink water 喝水
take pictures 照相
watch insects 观察昆虫
pick 捡,摘
up 上
leaves 等级
play 玩
chess 国际象棋
do 做
an 一个
experiment 经验
catch 抓住
butterflies 蝴蝶
count 数
insects/leaves 昆虫/等级
write a report 写个报告
how 怎么
when 什么时候
第1个回答  2007-07-04
Do morning exercises 做早操
Eat breakfast 吃早餐
Have English class 上英语课
Play sports做运动
Eat dinner 吃晚饭
Climb mountains 爬山
Go shopping 去购物
Play the piano 弹钢琴
Fly kites 放风筝
Visit grandparents 去拜访祖父母
Go hiking 去徒步旅行
Make s snowman 堆雪人
Plant trees 植树
Skate 滑冰
Draw pictures画画
Cook dinner 做晚饭
Read a book 读书
Answer the phone 接电话
Listen to music 听音乐
Clean the room 整理房间
Write a letter 写信
e-mail 电子邮件
fly 飞
jump 跳
walk 走
run 跑
swim 游泳
sleep 睡觉
climb 爬
fight 斗争
swing 摇摆
drink water喝水
take pictures 照相
watch insects观察昆虫? 不确定哦
pick 采,摘
up 上
leaves 树叶
play 玩
do 做
an 量词1个 用在元音字母前
experiment 实验
catch 抓
count 法庭,操场,
insects/leaves 不会
write a report 写报告
how 怎么
when 什么时候
第2个回答  2007-07-04
Do morning exercises 做晨练
Eat breakfast 吃早饭
Have English class 上英语课
Play sports 做运动
Eat dinner 吃午饭
Climb mountains 爬山
Go shopping 逛商店买东西
Play the piano 弹钢琴
Fly kites 放风筝
Visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶
Go hiking 徒步旅行
Make s snowman 堆雪人
Plant trees 植树
Skate 溜冰
Draw pictures 画画
Cook dinner 做晚饭
Read a book 读书
Answer the phone 接电话
Listen to music 听音乐
Clean the room 打扫房间
Write a letter 写信
e-mail 电子邮件
fly 飞
jump 跳
walk 走路
run 跑
swim 游泳
sleep 睡觉
climb 爬
fight 打架
swing 摇摆
drink water 喝水
take pictures 照相
watch insects 观察昆虫
pick up 捡起
leaves 树叶
play chess 下国际象棋
do an experiment 做实验
catch butterflies 抓蝴蝶
count 计算
insects/leaves 虫子/落叶
write a report 写报告
how 怎样做?
when 什么时候?
what 什么?
第3个回答  2007-07-04
Do morning exercises 做早操
Eat breakfast 吃早饭
Have English class 上英语课
Play sports 做运动
Eat dinner 吃午饭
Climb mountains 爬山
Go shopping 购物
Play the piano 弹钢琴
Fly kites 放风筝
Visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶
Go hiking 去远足
Make s snowman 做雪人
Plant trees 植树
Skate 滑雪
Draw pictures 画画
Cook dinner 做午饭
Read a book 看书
Answer the phone 接电话
Listen to music 听音乐
Clean the room 打扫房间
Write a letter 写信
e-mail 邮件
fly 飞
jump 跳
walk 走
run 跑
swim 游泳
sleep 睡觉
climb 爬,攀登
fight 打架,奋斗
swing 挥动
drink water 喝水
take pictures 照相
watch insects 观察昆虫
pick 捡,摘
up 上
leaves 等级
play 玩
chess 国际象棋
do 做
an 一个
experiment 经验
catch 抓住
butterflies 蝴蝶
count 数
insects/leaves 昆虫/等级
write a report 写个报告
how 怎么
when 什么时候
第4个回答  2007-07-04
Do morning exercises 作早操

Eat breakfast 吃早餐

Have English class 上英语课程
Play sports 运动

Eat dinner 吃饭
Climb mountains 爬山
Go shopping 购物
Play the piano 弹钢琴
Fly kites 放风筝
Visit grandparents 拜访祖父祖母
Go hiking 去远足
Make s snowman 堆雪人
Plant trees 种树
Skate 滑冰
Draw pictures 画画
Cook dinner 煮饭
Read a book 看书
Answer the phone 接电话
Listen to music 听音乐
Clean the room 打扫房间
Write a letter 写信
e-mail 写电子邮件
fly 飞
jump 跳
walk 走
run 跑
swim 游泳
sleep 睡觉
climb 爬
fight 打斗
swing 摇摆
drink water 喝水
take pictures 照相
watch insects 看昆虫
pick 捡
up 上面
leaves 离开
play 玩
chess 下西洋棋
do 做
an 一个
experiment 实验研究
catch 抓
butterflies 蝴蝶
count 数
insects/leaves 飞蛾,昆虫
write a report 写报告
how 如何
when 何时
what 什么