argue中文到底是是“主张”还是“不同意”啊 怎么查起来两个都有可真有意思


abbr.缩略词a.形容词ad.副词conj.连词n.名词int.感叹词prep.介词v.动词u.未知 移除+添加释义+添加例句其他问题:
v. 说服, 争论, 辩论
v. We argued her into joining us.

v. 我们说服她参加了宴会。

v. 说服
v. We argued her into joining us.
v. 我们说服她参加了宴会。
v. 争论
v. The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.
v. 他认为,美国应保持超然态度。
v. As we've seen, the experts argue about which diet is best.
v. 正如我们所看见,而专家们争论,是最好的饮食。
v. One student make so bold as to argue with the professor
v. 有个学生真冒失, 竟然和教授争论起来
v. 辩论
v. They argued the case for hours.
v. 他们就这个案子辩论了几个小时。

【词源解说】1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的arguer,意为喋喋不休地说。【词形变化】名词: arguer 动词过去式: argued
动词过去分词: argued 动词现在分词: arguing
动词第三人称单数: argues
【词义辨析】argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss, reason
argue: 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。
quarrel: 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。
debate: 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。
dispute: 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。
discuss: 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。
reason: 指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。【语法用法】1.注意去argue一件事情的时候,常指反对该事情,才去argue,若是赞成该事情,不该用argue,而是用dispute。
错句: Few could argue that the South Africans fully deserved their victory.
订正: Few could dispute that the South Africans fully deserved their victory.
翻译: 几乎没有人对南非人取得他们应得的胜利有所争议。
分析: 句中应该是表达大家对南非人的胜利没有争议,所以不该用argue。天后碧昂斯喜得一女 【例句用法】
1. They argued the case for hours.
2. The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.
3. We argued her into joining us.
4. One student make so bold as to argue with the professor
有个学生真冒失, 竟然和教授争论起来
5. As we've seen, the experts argue about which diet is best.
bicker v.斗嘴, 闪烁,发出潺... reason n.原因, 理由, 理智...
discuss v.讨论, 论述, 商量 quarrel n.吵架, 争论, 怨言...
dispute v.争论, 辩驳, 争议... debate n.辩论, 讨论 ; v...
contend v.竞争, 争斗, 争辩... disagree v.不同意, 不一致, ...
fight n.战斗, 打架, 斗志... squabble v.(为琐事)争论, 口...
fall out v.争吵, 松掉, 解散... claim n.要求,要求权,主张,...
say v.说, 讲, 比如说,... maintain vt.维持, 维修, 保...
go over v.检查, 重做, 复习... thrash out 通过反复研讨解决
object n.物体, 目标, 对象... persuade vt.说服, 劝说
refute vt.驳斥, 反驳, 驳倒 plead v.辩护, 恳求, 提出借口
canvass v. 游说, 兜售, ... talk v.交谈, 商讨, 演讲...
contest n.竞赛, 比赛 ; v... wrangle v.争论, 吵架 ; n...
indicate v.指示, 象征, 显示... fence n.栅栏, 围墙, 买卖...
argue out 说服不做 argue down 驳倒某人
argue with v. 和 ... 争辩,... argue the toss vi. 对决定提出异议
argue in a circle vi. 用循环论法来辩论 argue about vt. 讨论(议论)
argue against vt. 为反对 ... 而辩论 argue for v. 辩护, 支持, ...
argue over 为 ... 争论 argue away 找理由把 ... 搪塞过去
argue on vt. 讨论(议论) argue with about adj. 与某人辩论某事
argue in favor of 支持, 赞成, 为 ..... argue against abo... adj. 与某人辩论某事
argue against about adj. 与某人辩论某事 argue with on adj. 与某人辩论某事
argue back 反驳 argue against som... 与某人辩论某事
argue something away 找理由把某事辩解过去 argue into 劝使做某事

Argos n. 阿哥斯(古希腊的一... Arguda horishana n. 台线枯叶蛾
argosy n. 大商船 Arguda insulindiana n. 棕线枯叶蛾
argot n.隐语, 暗语, 暗号... Arguda tayana n. 曲线枯叶蛾
arguable adj.可辩论的, 可论证的 Arguda viettei n. 维线枯叶蛾
arguably adv.雄辩地,可论证地 Arguda vinata n. 三线枯叶蛾
argue away 找理由把 ... 搪塞过去 Argudo 阿古多
argue down 驳倒某人 argue against vt. 为反对 ... 而辩论
argue out 说服不做 argue against som... 与某人辩论某事
argue with v. 和 ... 争辩,... argue against som... 与某人辩论某事
argue v.说服, 争论, 辩论 argue for v. 辩护, 支持, ...

动词 argue :
1. present reasons and arguments

同义词: reason

2. have an argument about something

同义词: contend, debate, fence

3. give evidence of

同义词: indicate
第1个回答  2012-01-12
argue with sb. 和某人争论追问

可是查翻译的时候真的有主张 说服这些的意思啊


和某人争论不就是想要说服某人吗 也是提出自己的主张

第2个回答  2012-01-13