哪位好心人帮忙翻译一下 很急的 如果翻译的好还可以加分

Dear Good Friend,
Just quite a long silent.With hope all is well with you and your family over there, i wish to inform you that i have finally achieved the project of which i contacted you to come forward to assist me on. An indian by name Sanjiv Kumar mind was touched to effect the project by assisting both financial and morally to transfer the fund to account in his country INDIA.Recently, i am in INDIA taking treatment because i was advised to try their hospital on matters concerning Diabetes and high blood pressure problem.

I may not be communicating with you always as i will be going under major surgical operation and of which i am not sure of surviving.No matter what the situation may look like i still give thanks to God for everything because he anwsered my prayer by keeping me alive to witness that this money was used for the future of my children and my new family.

However, my mind was touched to appreciate your effort with the sum of $300,000 in making sure that this noble transaction was accomplished, though you couldn't make it but i understood your sincere mind and willingness to assist and that's why i have drafted a cheque of $300,000 Dollars to compensate you and also to appreciate your eagerness. Right now you have to contact my solicitor whom i have handed the cashier's cheque of $300,000 to release it to you as i have prepared the cheque with your information.

Contact Reverend Pastor Peter Kelvin John.
Email: [email protected]
TeL: +221 707376557

Contact him and you have to make a choice of the safer means of sending the cheque to you, this is because i cannot send out money through any means out here in India, there are no western union office nor money gram for easy sending and receiving of funds. Confirm to me as soon as you receive this cashier's cheque,so that i can know that the Reverend Father really delivered it to you.

Thanks and God bless.

Miss Abigail.

电子邮件:[email protected]
电话:+ 221