求拜伦的英文原句:我不是不爱人类, 而是更爱大自然。

哪位大神能帮帮忙,“我不是不爱人类, 而是更爱大自然。” 一定是要拜伦的原句!

    我不是不爱人类, 而是更爱大自然

I love not man the less,but nature more


    There Is Pleasure In The Pathless Woods

    – By Lord Byron
    (from Childe Harold, Canto IV, Verse 178)

    There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, 
    There is a rapture on the lonely shore, 
    There is society, where none intrudes, 
    By the deep sea, and music in its roar: 
    I love not man the less, but Nature more, 
    From these our interviews, in which I steal 
    From all I may be, or have been before, 
    To mingle with the Universe, and feel 
    What I can ne,er express, yet cannot all conceal.

    关于拜伦的简介Lord Byron:

    George Gordon Byron (1788-1824), more popularly known as Lord Byron, remains perhaps the most fascinating English poet of the Romantic Age. Notorious for his many sexual escapades, aristocratic excesses, huge debts, Bryon led most of his youth in a flamboyant fashion, indulging in many extravaganzas. Later, Byron went into a self-imposed exile and traveled all across Europe, lived in Italy for seven years, and then died while championing the cause of liberty by fighting the Greek War of Independence for which the Greeks revere him as national hero. Calvinist by religion and a free-thinker by nature, Byron’s writings reflect an eagerness for liberty, freedom from oppression, self-revelation of human nature, disgust for society and man, and a secret guilt- which was probably a personal expression of his own nature. The image of Byronic Hero- handsome, defiant, cynical, melancholy, an outcast – fascinates us to this date and stands as an embodiment of Romanticism. His most celebrated works are ‘Don Juan’ and ‘Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage’, lengthy narrative poems, and ‘She Walks In Beauty’, a short lyric. His god-like beauty, scandalous personality and emotion-stirring writings, altogether made him the most popular and dynamic figure of the Romantic Age.


    “唐胡安”和“Childe Harold的朝圣”,和短词“she walks in beauty"。他的上帝般的美丽,可耻的个性和激动人心的著作,完全使他成为那个浪漫时代最受欢迎和充满活力的人物。


    第一首:She Walks in Beauty (by Byron)她走在美的光彩中

    She walks in beauty, like the night 她走在美的光彩中,象夜晚
    Of cloudless climes and starry skies;皎洁无云而且繁星漫天;
    And all that’s best of dark and bright明与暗的最美妙的色泽
    Meet in her aspect and her eyes:在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:
    Thus mellow’d to that tender light耀目的白天只嫌光太强,
    Which heaven to gaudy day denies.它比那光亮柔和而幽暗。
    One shade the more, one ray the less,增加或减少一份明与暗

    Had half impair’d the nameless grace就会损害这难言的美。
    Which waves in every raven tress,美波动在她乌黑的发上,
    Or softly lightens o’er her face;或者散布淡淡的光辉
    Where thoughts serenely sweet express在那脸庞,恬静的思绪
    How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.指明它的来处纯洁而珍贵

    And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,呵,那额际,那鲜艳的面颊,
    So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,如此温和,平静,而又脉脉含情,
    The smiles that win, the tints that glow,那迷人的微笑,那容颜的光彩,
    But tell of days in goodness spent,都在说明一个善良的生命:
    A mind at peace with all below,她的头脑安于世间的一切,
    A heart whose love is innocent!她的心充溢着真纯的爱情!

    第二首:On the Castle of Chillon (by George Byron)

    Eternal Spirit of the chainless Mind!

    Brightest in dungeons, Liberty! thou art,

    For there thy habitation is the heart—

    The heart which love of Thee alone can bind.

    And when thy sons to fetters are consign'd,

    To fetters, and the damp vault's dayless gloom,

    Their country conquers with their martyrdom,

    And Freedom's fame finds wings on every wind.

    Chillon! thy prison is a holy place

    And thy sad floor an altar---for 'twas trod,

    Until his very steps have left a trace

    Worn as if thy cold pavement were a sod,


    By Bonnivard! ---May none those marks efface!

    For they appeal from tyranny to God.


    第三首:When we two parted          by George Gordon Byron

    In silence and tears,默默无言地流着泪,
    Half broken-hearted预感到多年的隔离,
    To sever for years,我们忍不住心碎

    Pale grew thy cheek and cold,你的脸冰凉、发白,

    Colder thy kiss;你的吻更似冷冰,

    Truly that hour foretold呵,那一刻正预兆了
    Sorrow to this!我今日的悲痛。

    The dew of the morning清早凝结着寒露,

    Sunk chill on my brow-冷彻了我的额角,

    It felt like the warning那种感觉仿佛是

    Of what I feel now.对我此刻的警告。
    Thy vows are all broken,你的誓言全破碎了,

    And light is thy fame:你的行为如此轻浮:

    I hear thy name spoken,人家提起你的名字,
    And share in its shame.我听了也感到羞辱

    They name thee before me,他们当着我讲到你,

    A knell to mine ear;一声声有如丧钟;
    A shudder comes o’er me-我的全身一阵颤栗——
    Why wert thou so dear?为什么对你如此情重?
    They know not I knew thee没有人知道我熟识你,
    Who knew thee too well: 呵,熟识得太过了——

    long, long shall I rue thee,我将长久、长久地悔恨,
    Too deeply to tell.这深处难以为外人道。

    In secret we met-你我秘密地相会,
    In silence I grieve,我又默默地悲伤,

    That thy heart could forget,你竟然把我欺骗,
    Thy spirit deceive.你的心终于遗忘。
    If I should meet thee如果很多年以后,
    After ling year,我们又偶然会面,
    How should I greet thee?我将要怎样招呼你?
    With silence and tears.只有含着泪,默默无言。


第1个回答  2017-07-21
我不是不爱人类, 而是更爱大自然。
拜伦的英文原句:I not love man the less, but nature more.

nature 英[ˈneɪtʃə(r)] 美[ˈnetʃɚ]
n. 自然; 天性; 天理; 类型;
[例句]The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.
[其他] 复数:natures
less 英[les] 美[lɛs]
adj. 较小的; 较少的(little的比较级); 较次的,较劣的; 较不重要的;
adv. 较少地,较小地;
prep. 减去; 少掉; 不足;
[例句]People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.
第2个回答  2015-05-09
I not love man the less, but nature more. --Byron本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2017-05-16
“I love not man the less, but Nature more” (Byron 1788 – 1824)
望采纳 谢谢~
第4个回答  2017-07-14
I not love man the less, but nature more. --Byron