

题目:Whether should animals be kept in the zoo
正文:Yesterday,we held a discussion about whether should animals be kept in the zoo.昨天,我们就是否应该把动物关在动物园做了个讨论。
Some people think that animal shoul be kept in the zoo for the zoo not only provide a safe and certified place for animals,but also afford chances for us to learn a lot about animals so that we can realize the importance of protecting animals.一些人认为动物应该被关在动物园应为动物园不仅给动物提供了个安全有保障的地方,还可以为我们提供机会去了解它们以便我们能意识到保护动物的重要性。
However,some people are against the idea to keep animals in the zoo.They think that we don't have the right to keep them in the zoo and strip their freedom.但是,一些人反对将动物关在动物园里。他们认为我们没有权利将它们关在动物园剥夺他们的自由。
第1个回答  2014-01-05
Shouldn't we keep endangered animals in the zoo?