

1. Banker
A banker is an individual who works in a bank, managing financial transactions and providing banking services to customers.
2. Observer
An observer is a person who watches or studies something, such as an event or a situation, often in a careful and detailed way.
3. Londoner
A Londoner is someone who lives in London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.
4. Villager
A villager is a person who lives in a village, a small community in the countryside or a rural area.
5. Sooner
The term "sooner" is used to indicate something that happens at an earlier time than expected or desired.
6. Linger
To linger means to stay or delay leaving a place, often because one is enjoying it or because there is no urgency to leave.
7. Batter
To batter means to hit repeatedly with a weapon or a hard object, or to attack in a violent way.
8. Writer
A writer is an individual who creates written content, such as books, articles, or scripts, for publication or performance.
9. Shooter
A shooter is a person who shoots a weapon, often in a military or law enforcement context.
10. Cooker
A cooker is a kitchen appliance used for cooking food, such as a stove or an oven.
11. Letter
A letter is a written message from one person to another, typically on a sheet of paper.
12. Paper
Paper is a thin material typically made from wood pulp, used for writing, printing, or drawing on, or as a packaging material.
13. Power
Power refers to the ability to influence or control someone or something, or the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.
14. Number
A number is a quantity that can be counted or measured, and is used to represent amounts or order.
15. Matter
Matter refers to anything that has mass and takes up space, as opposed to energy or ideas.