

Auto industry in the national economy occupies an important position and role. Automobile is a kind of mobility strong land vehicles, it is widely used in traffic, industrial, building, forestry, business, military, and social groups and other sectors of the national economy, and available for private use, bear the transfer of people and goods, and complete other various special operations. As the car transport has many unique advantages in the national economy, the importance of his growing. With the constant developing and perfecting network, especially highway appear, automobile transport will become one of the most important mode of transportation, and more and more received higher economic benefits.

Science and technology progress promoted the sustainable development of internal combustion engine industry, engine strengthening gradually enhance, piston and index component were mechanical load and heat meet more and more is also high, their design is reasonable, will directly related to the internal combustion engine reliability, long life, a discharge, economy etc. China's auto industry is developing rapidly, automobile drive part in improving continuously, the piston is an indispensable part of car power, it will directly influence the working condition of car operation. So, how can the piston production high efficiency, high quality, low cost, time saving is our automobile industry direction today.

This article from the piston working environment and structure characteristics of its procedure, detailed design was analyzed. In the machining process detailed analysis of the components of the blank process route choice, formulation, the determination of machining allowance.


第1个回答  2011-05-24
Auto industry in the national economy occupies an important position and role. Automobile is a kind of mobility strong land vehicles, it is widely used in traffic, industrial, building, forestry, business, military, and social groups and other sectors of the national economy, and available for private use, bear the transfer of people and goods, and complete other various special operations. As the car transport has many unique advantages in the national economy, the importance of his growing. With the constant developing and perfecting network, especially highway appear, automobile transport will become one of the most important mode of transportation, and more and more received higher economic benefits. Science and technology progress promoted the sustainable development of internal combustion engine industry, engine strengthening gradually enhance, piston and index component were mechanical load and heat meet more and more is also high, their design is reasonable, will directly related to the internal combustion engine reliability, long life, a discharge, economy etc. China's auto industry is developing rapidly, automobile drive part in improving continuously, the piston is an indispensable part of car power, it will directly influence the working condition of car operation. So, how can the piston production high efficiency, high quality, low cost, time saving is our automobile industry direction today. This article from the piston working environment and structure characteristics of its procedure, detailed design was analyzed. In the machining process detailed analysis of the components of the blank process route choice, formulation, the determination of machining allowance.
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