

她是一名女版的潜伏者,代号“旗袍”。她必须承受孤独、误解和打压,自从参加地下党组织后,在残酷战斗中面对陷阱、阴谋、谋杀,凭着坚强信念和过人心智,迅速成长为谍战精英。 她是一名公认的汉奸,但是却是最最忠诚的共产主义战士。为此,她必须忍辱受重,背负骂名和遭受欺凌,在逆境中前行。 她是一名情感缺失者,奉命爱上不爱的男人,还要被所爱的男人所痛恨,电视剧旗袍大结局 找到了真爱却没有圆满结果。她的身份有口难辩,每一次执行任务,几乎都要经受巨大的精神煎熬。 她牺牲的时候,电视剧旗袍大结局 留下的仅有衣柜里一袭袭寂寞的旗袍…… 旧上海风情、沪上名媛风采、汪伪特务机关和日本特务机关的凶残阴险、我地下组织在逆境中的奋战过程、情报战中的斗智斗勇、一名女谍报人员的成长史,一一展现…… 掀开“七十六号”魔窟面纱,解读一代才女生命历程。集谍战、情感、传奇众多元素与一身……电视剧旗袍大结局
第1个回答  2011-05-22

According to "Lust, Caution" in the prototype Wang Zhi Ping Zheng Sheng as a temporary name and then the famous writer, underground Communist Party members Guan Lu 真实 entered the Chinese story of the Japanese invaders cruel, Lu Gou Bridge Incident, the fall of Shanghai, the Nanjing Massacre devastated land of电视剧旗袍大结局 ... ... . Young people to join hands in the blood bloody for the home country are willing to shed blood for the nation. Lu Ping Guan in this particular era of growing up, from the ignorant patriotic youth, grown calm, competent, mature underground Communist spy. She has a good potential actors, a good columnist. She has the intellectual beauty, graceful figure, fond of dress, has become the Shanghai socialite, but her life and feelings are a mess. She is a female version of the latent, code-named "dress." She must bear the loneliness, misunderstanding and suppression, since the underground party organizations 电视剧旗袍大结局 to participate in after the battle in the face of brutal traps, conspiracy, murder, with a strong faith and extraordinary mind, the rapid growth Spy elite. She is a proven traitor, but is among the most loyal communist fighter. To this end, she must shame by weight, bear infamy and bullying, in the face of adversity ahead. She is a lack of emotion who was ordered to fall in love do not love the man, but also love to be hated by men, and found true love but do not电视剧旗袍大结局 have satisfactory results. Her identity and a mouth Nanbian, every mission, almost have to undergo tremendous mental suffering. When she died, leaving only the passage of the closet dressed in cheongsam lonely 电视剧旗袍大结局 ... ... the old Shanghai style, aristocratic style in Shanghai, Wang puppet secret service and the ferocity of the Japanese secret service sinister, I underground organization fighting process in adversity , the intelligence war in the battle of wits, the growth of a female spy history unfolding ... ... opened "Seventy Six" snare veil generation of talented woman s life course. Set of Spy Game, emotion, romance and a number of elements ... ... 电视剧旗袍大结局本回答被提问者采纳