

这是现已发现的人类最早、最著名的美术作品之一。它是1879年由一个名叫蒙 特乌拉的西班牙工程师偶然发现的。由于这一壁画中描绘的动物太生动了,以前也从未 见过这类壁画,所以,这位工程师将它公诸于世时,西班牙考古界反而说他造假惑众。 使他蒙冤二十多年。西班牙的这个洞穴长约270米,壁画集中在入口处长18米、宽 9米的地方。上面画的主要是各种动物,包括15头野牛、3只野猪、3只鹿、2匹马 和1只狼。这里所见的被人称为“受伤的野牛”,位于主洞的顶部。从现在的画迹来看 ,这些壁画是先勾线后涂色,色彩以赭红与黑色为主,都是天然矿物颜料,可能是用动 物的脂护和血调合,所用的绘画工具,可能是利用当时的一些动植物和兽毛制成的。这 些壁画距今约有二、三万年的历史。

Injured Maverick (cave wall paintings, 185 cm long, the late Paleolithic period, Spain Altamira Tung Ngo)

This has been found to be the earliest human, the most famous one of the works of art. It was in 1879 by a Spanish Mingjiaomeng Tewula engineers discovered accidentally. As the murals, which depict animals too vivid, never before seen such murals, so The engineer will be released to the public, but the Spanish archaeologists said he forgery and confuse the public. He deceived and wronged more than 20 years. Spain's cave about 270 meters, concentrated in the entrance mural 18 meters long, nine meters wide in places. Painting above is the main kinds of animals, including 15 bison, three wild boars, three deer, two horses and a wolf. Seen here has been called the "injured Maverick" and the main tunnel at the top. From now trace the painting, these paintings are first hook lines coloring, color to color the main piece of the novel are natural mineral pigments, perhaps they used animals for fat and blood blending, using the painting tools, may take advantage of some of the plants and animals, and the wife made. These murals about two ago, the Last 30,000 history.
第1个回答  2007-05-25