

乘船时要注意安全,不要把危险物品、禁运物品带上船。 不要乘坐无证船、人货混装船以及其他简陋船只。 遇到大风大雨等恶劣天气,最好不要冒险乘坐渡船或其他小型船只。 集体乘船,要听从指挥。上下船时,要排队有序地进行,不要争先恐后,以免落水、挤伤、压伤或造成船舶倾斜,甚至引起翻船。船舶浮于水面靠的是水的浮力,其受载有一定的限度,如果超过了限度,船行时就会有沉没的危险。所以,同学们乘船时一定注意,不要坐超载船只。船靠、离码头或驶过风景区时,不要聚集在船的一侧,以防船倾斜翻沉。遇到紧急情况,要听从船上工作人员的指挥,不要自作主张跳船。上船后要留心通往甲板的最近通道和摆放救生衣的位置。这样,如果发生意外事故,就可以争取时间。在船上要保持安静,不要吵闹,要仔细听清服务员的要求。 在联运线上旅行的人要注意按指定日期、时间向中转港、站、码头办理换乘手续,以免漏乘。乘船时,自己一个人不要到甲板上去,大人在旁边时也要注意抓牢扶手,以免掉入水中。 船上的许多设备,直接影响船舶的安全行驶,特别是一些救生消防措施,它们存放的位置有一定的规范,不能随意挪动。

Pay attention to safety when taking a boat, and don't take dangerous goods or prohibited goods on board. Don't take unlicensed ships, mixed ships of people and goods and other crude ships. In case of severe weather such as strong wind and heavy rain, it's best not to risk taking ferries or other small boats. Take a boat collectively, and obey orders. When getting on and off the ship, we should queue up in an orderly manner, and don't rush to avoid falling into the water, crushing, crushing or causing the ship to tilt or even capsize. The ship floats on the water surface by the buoyancy of water, and its load has a certain limit. If the limit is exceeded, the ship will be in danger of sinking when sailing. Therefore, students must be careful not to take an overloaded boat when taking a boat. Don't gather on one side of the boat when it is near or away from the dock or passing through the scenic area, so as to prevent the boat from tipping and sinking. In case of emergency, obey the command of the crew on board, and don't jump off the ship on your own. Pay attention to the nearest passage to the deck and the location of life jackets after boarding the ship. In this way, if an accident happens, you can buy time. Keep quiet on the boat, don't make any noise, and listen carefully to the waiter's request. People who travel on the intermodal line should pay attention to the transfer formalities at the transit port, station and wharf according to the specified date and time, so as not to miss the ride. When you take a boat, don't go to the deck alone. When adults are around.