请英语专业的帮忙翻译一下:智能仓库管理信息系统的设计与实现 不要网络词典翻译的。请大侠们帮帮忙!谢谢

通过对仓库管理的实际调查,明确了其完整的业务流程,从而进行系统分析、系统设计、系统实施。在分析仓库管理的具体情况后,采用SQL Server型数据库系统作为仓库管理系统的后台数据库。由于Microsoft公司的Microsoft Visual Studio 2008工具面向对象可视化编程的特点,有利于系统的开发,所以决定用其作为主要系统开发工具。
系统具有:用户管理、库存管理、出库管理、综合管理 、库存汇总、附项管理、经办人添加、仓库添加、历史数据管理等功能模块,该系统采用模块化原理设计,做到了模块规模适中,本身相对独立等特点。模块化系统设计使程序结构清晰,易于设计、易于理解,提高了系统的可靠性。本文详细说明了一个仓库管理的业务流程,分析了其数据流程,明确了数据表之间的联系,详细说明了主要的程序逻辑。并以图表文字等方式直观的说明,使系统设计易于理解。

不智能仓库管理系统是典型的MIS(信息管理系统),它的开发主要包括前端应用程序的开发和后台数据库的建立及维护。在分析仓库管理的具体情况后,该系统以Visual Studio 2008作为前端开发工具,SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库。通过对仓库管理的实际调查,明确了其完整的业务流程,从而进行系统分析、系统设计、系统实施。该系统具有:用户管理、库存管理、出库管理、综合管理 、库存汇总、附项管理、历史数据管理等功能模块,该系统采用模块化原理设计,做到了模块规模适中,本身相对独立等特点。模块化系统设计使程序结构清晰,易于设计、易于理解,提高了系统的可靠性。本文详细说明了一个仓库管理的业务流程,分析了其数据流程,明确了数据表之间的联系,详细说明了主要的程序逻辑。并以图表文字等方式直观的说明,使系统设计易于理解。

Intelligent warehouse management system is the typical information management system (MIS), its development mainly includes front application program development and backend database establishment and maintenance. The former required the application program function complete, operation to simple, learn, and use characteristics, and for the latter to establish the data consistency and integrality, data security good storehouse. Intelligent warehouse management system can enormously enhance the enterprise the management efficiency, also is enterprise's normalization, scientific management and connecting with the world the important condition. This article elaborate a relatively complete intelligent warehouse management information system, adopting the system life cycle of structural method, completed the software development process.

Through the investigation of warehouse management, clearly the complete business processes, and thus for the system analysis, system design and system implementation. On the analysis of the specific conditions of the warehouse management, using SQL Server type after warehouse management system database system as the backend database. Because Microsoft company of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 tools object-oriented Visual programming characteristic, beneficial to system development, so decided to use it as the main system development tool.

System has: user management, inventory management, outbound management and comprehensive management, inventory management, a consolidated, with regards to add, warehouse add, historical data management function module, this system USES modular design principles, accomplished module moderate scale, is relatively independent etc. Characteristics. Modular system design makes the program structure is clear, easy to design, easy to understand, improve the reliability of system. This paper illustrates a warehouse management of business process, analyzes the data flow, clear link between the data table, details the main program logic. And to chart the way that text, made the system visual design easy to understand.追问


第1个回答  2011-05-30