

"Do You Remember"
Written and Performed by Phil Collins
Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
by Arrangement with Warner Special Products / Virgin Records Limited

"Find A Way To My Heart"
Written and Performed by Phil Collins
Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
by Arrangement with Warner Special Products / Virgin Records Limited

"The Good Life"
Written by David Young, Julius Robinson, Cindi Avent Robinson
Performed by Billy Trudel

"White Flag"
Written by David Young and Michael Sherwood
Performed by Michael Sherwood

"Chain Of Fools"
Written by Dan Covey
Performed by Judson Spence
Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.

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回答者:骗你没糖吃 - 见习魔法师 三级 4-23 18:18

英文名称:Fire Birds
别名:Wings of the Apache
电影导演:David Green
电影演员:尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage
汤米·里·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones
肖恩·扬 Sean Young
Kristin Nicole Barnes
塞克·克杂特 Cylk Cozart
Illana Diamant
Dale Dye
Samuel Hernández
导 演: David Green
主 演: 尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 汤米·里·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 肖恩·扬 Sean Young Kristin Nicole Barnes 塞克·克杂特 Cylk Cozart Illana Diamant Dale Dye Samuel Hernández
上 映: 1990年05月25日 ( 美国 )
地 区: 美国 ( 拍摄地 )
对 白: 英语
评 分: 4.2/10( 951票 )
颜 色: 彩色
声 音: Dolby SR
时 长: 85 分钟
类 型: 冒险 动作
分 级: 英国:15 阿根廷:13 芬兰:K-16 瑞典:11 美国:PG-13
字 幕: 外挂简繁中文/英文

The U.S. Government is willing to help any country that requires help in ridding themselves of drugs with support from the Army. Unfortunately, the drug cartels have countered that offer by hiring one of the best air-combat mercenaries and have armed him with a Scorpion attack helicopter. The army decides to send in it's best people from it's Apache Air Combat school. But first they have to be taught how to fly air-to-air combat missions(Michael O'Keefe)


尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage .... Jake Preston
汤米·里·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones .... Brad Little
肖恩·扬 Sean Young .... Billie Lee Guthrie
Bryan Kestner .... Breaker
Illana Diamant .... Sharon Geller
Dale Dye .... A.K. McNeil
Mary Ellen Trainor .... Janet Little
J.A. Preston .... Gen. Olcott
Peter Onorati .... Rice
Charles Lanyer .... Darren Phillips
Marshall R. Teague .... Doug Daniels
塞克·克杂特 Cylk Cozart .... Dewar Proctor
Charles Kahlenberg .... Oscar De Marco
Gregory Vahanian .... Tom Davis
鲍勃·卢建 Bob Lujan .... Steward Rives

Wings of the Apache(1990)