高中英语必修4 UNit2 an early farmer pioneer翻译


高中英语必修4 UNit2 an early farmer pioneer原文以及翻译如下:
Unit2---An early farmer pioneer
Some people thought Jia Sixie was a lucky man.He had worked for the emperor and when he got old,he was able to go to his hometown to relax. Jia Sixie, however, had other plans. He had always been interested in agriculture and intended to do something to make Chinese farming even better.
Jia Sixie lived in the sixth century AD. He was born in Yi du in Shandong Province and worked in Gaoyang, which is also in Shandong. As he rode through the country side on his journeys for his work he looked out at the fields. Some of them were greener and had more crops than others. Some cows and sheep looded healthier than others too. He was lost in thought. What could a farmer do to get good crops from his fields? Surely there must be rules that would help them. He thought he could use his knowledge to find out the best ways for farmers to grow crops and then write a book to help them. In doing so he collected information from farmers who did well, studied it and did experiments to find the best way.
For example, he studied ways of keeping seeds and advised farmers to choose seed-heads which had the best colour. Then he told them to hang them up to dry all winter. The next spring the seeds should be knocked out of their seed-heads and planted. He studied how to improve the soil. He advised farmers to clean weeds from the ground before planting crops. They could either let the animals eat the weeds or turn the soil over so that the weeds were covered and would rot. Then he gave advice on turning over the soil. The first time each year, farmers should dig deeply, but the second time should be less deep.Therefore the autumn ploughing of the soil should be deeper than the spring ploughing. He suggested changing crops in the field every year: rice one year and wheat the next so that they would always get good harvests. They should also grow different plants next to each other in the field. He also gave advice on how to fish, keep a garden and even make wine.
He wrote down his advice in a book called QiMin Yao Shu, which was considered an important summary of the knowledge off arming. For centuries after Jia Sixie died, it was studied by Chinese farmer sand students of agriculture.
贾思勰生活在公元六世纪。他出生在山东省宜都市,在山东皋阳工作。当他在乡野之间骑马查看工作时他眺望那一片片的田野。它们中的一些田地比其他田地更加葱绿,结了更多的作物。一些牛和羊看上去也比别家的更健康。他陷入了沉思。一个农民要怎么做才能从他的田地中获得好的农作物呢?无疑一定有有助于他们的方法。他认为他可以用他的知识为农民找出这种方法种植农作物,然后写一本书来帮助他们。为了做这些他从有经验的农民那里收集信息, 并研究和实验, 以求找到最好的方法。
例如,他学习保存种子的方法并劝告农民要挑选有最好色泽的种子。然后,他告诉他们把种子挂起来晾晒一冬,使其干燥。来年的春天就可以从粮仓里取出种植。他研究过如何改良土壤。他劝告农民种植作物之前先锄去杂草。或者他们可以让牲畜把杂草吃掉或进行翻土,使野草被覆盖,最终腐烂。然后他又对如何翻土做出了建议。每年年初,农民应该挖的深一些,但是第二次应该比第一次稍浅一些。因此秋天犁地应该比春天犁地更深一些。他建议每年轮换种植作物: 种植大米一年,次年种植小麦, 这样他们就总有收成。他们也应该在田地里种植与相邻田地不同的作物。他也对如何养鱼,维护花园,甚至对如何酿造葡萄酒做出了建议。
第1个回答  2011-05-28



第2个回答  2015-08-11
贾思勰生活在公元六世纪。他出生在山东宜都,曾在山东皋阳工作。当他在乡野之间骑马查看工作时他眺望那一片片的田野。它们中的一些田地比其他田地更加绿,有更多的作物。一些牛和羊看上去也比别家的更健康。他陷入沉思。一个农民要怎么做才能从他的田地中获得好的作物呢?无疑一定有方法帮助他们。他认为他可以用他的知识为农民找出这种方法种植农作物,然后写一本书来帮助他们。为了做这些他从干得好的农民那里收集信息,研究 和实验,以求找到最好的方法。
第3个回答  2012-05-23
第4个回答  2015-08-11
Unit2---An early farmer pioneer
Some people thought Jia Sixie was a lucky man.He had worked for the emperor and when he got old,he was able to go to his hometown to relax. Jia Sixie, however, had other plans. He had always been interested in agriculture and intended to do something to make Chinese farming even better.
Jia Sixie lived in the sixth century AD. He was born in Yi du in Shandong Province and worked in Gaoyang, which is also in Shandong. As he rode through the country side on his journeys for his work he looked out at the fields. Some of them were greener and had more crops than others. Some cows and sheep looded healthier than others too. He was lost in thought. What could a farmer do to get good crops from his fields? Surely there must be rules that would help them. He thought he could use his knowledge to find out the best ways for farmers to grow crops and then write a book to help them. In doing so he collected information from farmers who did well, studied it and did experiments to find the best way.
For example, he studied ways of keeping seeds and advised farmers to choose seed-heads which had the best colour. Then he told them to hang them up to dry all winter. The next spring the seeds should be knocked out of their seed-heads and planted. He studied how to improve the soil. He advised farmers to clean weeds from the ground before planting crops. They could either let the animals eat the weeds or turn the soil over so that the weeds were covered and would rot. Then he gave advice on turning over the soil. The first time each year, farmers should dig deeply, but the second time should be less deep.Therefore the autumn ploughing of the soil should be deeper than the spring ploughing. He suggested changing crops in the field every year: rice one year and wheat the next so that they would always get good harvests. They should also grow different plants next to each other in the field. He also gave advice on how to fish, keep a garden and even make wine.
He wrote down his advice in a book called QiMin Yao Shu, which was considered an important summary of the knowledge off arming. For centuries after Jia Sixie died, it was studied by Chinese farmer sand students of agriculture.
贾思勰生活在公元六世纪。他出生在山东省宜都市,在山东皋阳工作。当他在乡野之间骑马查看工作时他眺望那一片片的田野。它们中的一些田地比其他田地更加葱绿,结了更多的作物。一些牛和羊看上去也比别家的更健康。他陷入了沉思。一个农民要怎么做才能从他的田地中获得好的农作物呢?无疑一定有有助于他们的方法。他认为他可以用他的知识为农民找出这种方法种植农作物,然后写一本书来帮助他们。为了做这些他从有经验的农民那里收集信息, 并研究和实验, 以求找到最好的方法。
例如,他学习保存种子的方法并劝告农民要挑选有最好色泽的种子。然后,他告诉他们把种子挂起来晾晒一冬,使其干燥。来年的春天就可以从粮仓里取出种植。他研究过如何改良土壤。他劝告农民种植作物之前先锄去杂草。或者他们可以让牲畜把杂草吃掉或进行翻土,使野草被覆盖,最终腐烂。然后他又对如何翻土做出了建议。每年年初,农民应该挖的深一些,但是第二次应该比第一次稍浅一些。因此秋天犁地应该比春天犁地更深一些。他建议每年轮换种植作物: 种植大米一年,次年种植小麦, 这样他们就总有收成。他们也应该在田地里种植与相邻田地不同的作物。他也对如何养鱼,维护花园,甚至对如何酿造葡萄酒做出了建议。