

第一单元:一 N Y NG Y Y N N 8 . your own group 9. culture and history 10. rural region 二 Y N N Y NG N Y 8.genuine core values 9.reality and be adult 10. clear conscience

第二单元:一 NG Y Y N Y N N 8.the city council 9.at each other's throat 10.deliver leaflets 二 N Y Y Y N N NG 8.deprive him of 9.capital offence 10.reply upon themselves for

第三单元:一 N N N Y Y Y NG 8.their leader and commander 9. of a hawk 10.endless warfare 二 Y N Y Y N N NG 8.get a large fortune 9.mysterious race 10.none other than

第四单元: 一 Y N Y Y N NG N 8.drowning and damage to property 9.underdeveloped countries 10.The spread of contagious diseases 二. Y Y NG N N N Y 8.clearly defined 9.developing countries 10.zoo conservation programs

第五单元: 一 Y N Y N NG Y N 8.their host 9.send someone gifts 10.in black 二 Y Y NG N Y N Y 8.the truth 9.plain speaking 10.our shortcomings

第六单元:一 N N Y N NG N Y 8.the mass production 9.the cocoa press 10.1765 二 N Y N Y Y N NG 8.still poor 9.by all regions 10.in Asia

第七单元:一 N N Y N NG Y Y 8.one likes 9.the most lasting pleasure 10.a capacity 二 N N Y N NG Y N 8.closer to the equator 9.middle or eastern 10.12 to 18 months

第八单元:一 Y Y Y N N NG N 8.Eastern Europe 9.psychological and social 10.a low level 二 N Y N NG N Y Y 8.the power of perseverance 9.something that will 10.accomplish their dreams

第九单元:一 Y N N Y N Y NG 8.Tolerance 9.the work and the cost 10.keeping the connections strong 二 Y N Y Y N N NG 8.one third 9.glaciers and ice caps 10.polluting water

第十单元: 一 Y Y N Y NG N Y 8.unwelcome emails 9.names and contact information 10.economic gains 二 Y N N Y Y NG Y 8.they have learned 9.weakness and progress 10.an honest and determined effort