
The biggest insider trading trial in more than a decade has started in New York. Raj Rajaratnam, the Sri Lankan founder of the hedge fund company Galleon, is accused of making more than 45 million dollars in illegal profits from insider information on stock market trades. Caroline Hepkerreports from New York.Sri Lankan-born Raj Rajaratnam was for a time worth more than 1 billion dollars, a prominent hedge fund boss. But he has been accused of using well-placed contacts to cream corporate information that constitutes insider trading. The illegal tips supposedly relate to companies from IBM to Intel and Goldman Sachs. Mr Rajaratnam denies the accusations. Over100 potential jurors in the case appeared in court on Tuesday. The trial could mark a major shake-up in the hedge fund industry.

最大的内幕交易试验在十几年里已经开始在纽约。瑞吉拉加拉特纳姆,斯里兰卡的创始人帆船的对冲基金公司,被控解雇超过4500万美元的非法利益从内幕信息对股票市场的交易。卡罗琳Hepkerreports来自纽约。 Lankan-born瑞吉拉加拉特纳姆斯是一段时间,价值超过1亿美元,一个突出的对冲基金的老板。但他一直谴责使用精确接触到奶油公司信息构成内幕交易。据称与非法的小费从英特尔和IBM公司高盛。拉加拉特纳姆先生否认指控。Over100修补陪审员的案件中周二出庭。马克是一个主要的试验可以在对冲基金行业整顿。