
1.These applles (D) well because they ( ) nice.
A.are sold;look B.seel;look C.sell;are looked D.are sold;are looked
2.What about the pen you bought yesterday?
It (B) well.I like it very much.
A.was written B.is written C.wrote D.writes
3.I feel very happy that I (B) to be the host.
A.choose B.am chosen C.was chosen D.haven chosen
4.Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this afternoon?
Yes,every student (C) about it.
A.have told B.have been told C.has told D.has been told
5.Mr Johnson's story ( D) by everyone who heard it.
A.laughed at B.was laughed C.laughed D.was laughted at
6.Students ( C) slippers when they are at school.
A.don't allow to wear B.are not allowed to wear
C.are not allowed to put on D.are not allowed wearing
为什么我选的不对 我到底错在哪些地方?你们的正确答案?求教!

1.These applles (D) well because they ( ) nice.
A.are sold;look B.seel;look C.sell;are looked D.are sold;are looked
sell well销路好,要用主动表被动。look看起来,是联系动词,没有被动。
拓展:些系动词,如feel, look, seem, appear, taste, sound, smell, prove, remain等用主动形式表示被动意义;主语通常是事物,且表示该事物本身具有某一固有特征。。如:
The material feels very soft. 这种料子摸起来很柔软。

2.What about the pen you bought yesterday?
It (B) well.I like it very much.
A.was written B.is written C.wrote D.writes
选D。 和第一题一样,write well,也要用主动表被动。
拓展:表示主语由内在品质或性能,使得主语得以实现或不能实现,用主动表示被动,常见的这类动词有:write, read, clean, sell, wash, cook, open, close, lock等。

1. 同well, badly, easily等副词连用。如:

The cloth washes easily. 这布很好洗。

The book sells well. 那本书很畅销。

The pen writes smoothly. 这支笔很好写。

3.I feel very happy that I (B) to be the host.
A.choose B.am chosen C.was chosen D.haven chosen
4.Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this afternoon?
Yes,every student (C) about it.
A.have told B.have been told C.has told D.has been told
tell的主动式要跟双宾语。即tell sb sth.
5.Mr Johnson's story ( D) by everyone who heard it.
A.laughed at B.was laughed C.laughed D.was laughted at
选D。后面有by,前面要用被动式。laugh at sb/sth在改为被动语态时别漏掉介词at。
6.Students ( C) slippers when they are at school.
A.don't allow to wear B.are not allowed to wear
C.are not allowed to put on D.are not allowed wearing
选B。allow sb to do sth.改为被动:be allowed to do sth.
用wear表示穿着的状态,而put on表示穿上的动作,所以C是错误的。

第1个回答  2011-03-06
1. A 应该look在这里是系动词,意思为看起来,不能用被动语态
2.D 这个不知道怎么解释,大概算是惯例吧,反正这一类都不用被动,算是主动表被动吧
3.C 这个我不是特别确定。我觉得应该是在过去
4.D 这个意思是每一个同学都已经被告知了
6.B put on指的是穿上这个动作,wear指的是状态。在学校应该不被允许穿着拖鞋
第2个回答  2011-03-06
1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B 作为英语专业的大哥哥 我帮助一下你 被动语态 要分析好 主语 和受动物 分析二者之间的关系 如果一个动作 是由事物本身发出就用 主动语态,如果该动作 不是由自己发出 而是借助其他物就是被动语态 第一题是 苹果被卖苹果本身不能发生这个动作 ,所以是被动,而后面的look是人发出来的动作 不是被动发出 所以选D 第二题 it 指代的是pen 写是由笔发出来的动作 所以不用被动语态。第三题 语态问题 我是被选为 主持人 祝贺你 说明此时语态已经发生 谓语动词 要变成was 才可以 第四题 语态问题 现在完成时的被动语态 第五题 at by 两个介词了 可以嘛?不可以 laugh at 是嘲笑 语句如何说的通?第6 题 put on 是穿上衣服 外套 ,allow to do something
第3个回答  2011-03-06
A .C . B. A .A B
第4个回答  2020-11-06

