用seem造句,比如seem to do sth,to be 加形容词,名词和介词还有seem that....

全部都要造句 急急急!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ 另外可以加中文意思吗?跪求!

seem to do sth:
He cannot seem to do any of these things. 他似乎做不了任何一件其中的事。
seem to be:
The old man seems to be asleep. 那老人看起来像是睡着了。
seem + 名词:
Pigeons seem such an unnecessary bird now. 鸽子现在看起来有点多余了。
seem + 介词:
He seems in high spirit. 他看起来精神很好。
seem that:
It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.看起来,光能将成为未来科研的一个重要课题。
第1个回答  2012-08-25
It seems to rain this evening.今天晚上好像要下雨。
It seems to be rainy this evening.今天晚上可能要下雨。
It seems to be a fat cat after having so much fish day by day.每天都吃这么多鱼,这只猫以后可能要长成一只大肥猫。
It seems thats Tom is a naughty boy.汤姆好像是个很调皮的孩子。
第2个回答  2011-03-11
He seems to wear a new coat today.
第3个回答  2011-03-01
It seems that you know a lot about this thing.
第4个回答  2012-03-13
The young man seemed to have changed much. 这个年轻人看起来变化很大。