英语达人来,关于经济类的英语翻译。 汉译英

1. 国际贸易是现代国家间经济交流的重要组成部分,它使各国从紧密的经济联系中获得好处,但同时也要求各国付出相应地代价。这种代价就使本国经济暴露在国际经济波动的冲击之下,国际贸易同时也成为金融危机的丰要传导渠道。
2. 贸易渠道传导体现在以下四个方面
3. 欧美等国实行贸易保护,影响中国经济贸易。受金融危机冲击最为直接的欧美等发达国家,出于对本国经济的保护,可能会实行贸易保护,反倾销、反补贴等贸易壁垒的限制,也将给中国的贸易企业带来新的挑战
4. 受国际金融危机的影响,美国、欧盟、日本等国不断调整利率,使得主要货币的汇率波动幅度加剧,最终导致上游原材料价格的大幅波动,对生产企业造成了剧烈的冲击。中国企业大多处于产业链中上游,受能源和初级产品价格波动的影响较大,企业生产经营困难,特别是不少中小企业缺乏应对危机的能力,面临更大的生存压力
5. 传统的“热门专业” 学生和“就业弱势群体”受到的影响尤为显著,就业市场呈现严重的买方市场的特征
6. 经济危机使得大学毕业生在就业市场的竞争空前激烈,这就使一些家庭条件较好不急需就业或者自身学习研究能力较强的学生暂缓就业的打算,考虑进行进一步的深造,以增强自身的竞争力并暂时错过职场风暴的高峰期。
7.. 二手的耐用品市场可能会受欢迎,比如一些昂贵的耐用必需品,比如汽车、家电等等,这些产品如果在二手市场上以较低的价格出售,可能会大受欢迎,对于很多80后、90后的年轻群体来说,如果这个阶段正好需要这些产品,他们会选择二手的产品作为消费的过渡
8. 会有很多消费者在失业率来临之前,为自己的职业开始打算和预备,因此会有一些消费者把钱用在充电、上学、培训上,或者选择重回校园,以避过金融危机,同时增强职场竞争力,以为将来做准备
9. 这场国际金融危机在给中国经济带来困难的同时,也为我国加快推进产业结构调整,促进经济社会协调发展提供了良好契机。
10. 农村市场潜力巨大但发育滞后,开拓农村市场将使国内市场的空间大大扩张。一是市场容量大。农村人口占全国总人口的80%左右,是人口构成的主体,可见居民消费的主体在农村。随着农村经济的发展,农村市场的容量将日益扩大。二是需求增长的空间大。。
11. 增加中央对地方的基础建设性的投资,这方面主要用于农村和农业的基础设施改造及农村民生工程建设,以及有目的性的针对偏远地区和不发达地区的教育和基础医疗卫生等社会公共事业的建设和更新改造,这样不但可以从根本上改变人民生活,隐性的提高了总体的收入水平,从而也鼓励消费的信心,为拉动内需扩大消费奠定了前提条件。
12. 在大力促进现代农业发展的同时,实行有利于我国科技自主创新和科技进步的相关财政政策,进而促进企业加快技术改造和技术进步,加快自主研发高新技术产品,尽早摆脱外国技术垄断,进而形成自主品牌。同时引导银行针对此类企业进行优惠贷款,从而使行业调整升级换代达到一个新的标准
13. 加强对中小企业的发展扶持,联系各地区财政部门在财政支持的层面上设立中小企业发展专项资金,同时联系各地区国家开发银行积极开展融资服务,综合运用贴息、税收优惠等政策工具,努力为企业解决融资难问题。增加转移支付规模,促进区域可协调发展
14. 加快企业并购和技术创新力度。主动抓住竞争对手退出的有利时机,加大营销力度,扩大市场占有率。抓住国外技术公司、品牌企业经营困难的有利时机,加快技术企业和品牌企业并购的速度,积极主动融入企业并购潮。要加大中小企业财政金融支持力度,加大企业技术改造投资力度,大力引进科技人才,提高技术创新和国际化经营水平
15. 加大国际市场开拓力度,培育新的出口增长点

1 international trade is the modern economic exchanges between nations, as an important part, it allows countries from closer economic ties gain benefits, but also requires countries to pay a price accordingly. The price will make its economic exposure in the international economic fluctuation, under the impact of international trade but also as a financial crisis abundant to conduction channels.
2. Trade channels conduction embodied in the following four aspects
3. To European and American countries implement trade protection, affect China's economy and trade. By financial crisis impact most direct euramerican and other developed countries, because of its economic protection, may implement trade protection, antidumping, anti-subsidy etc trade barriers restrictions and will give China's trade enterprise to bring new challenges
4. By international financial crisis, the United States, the European Union, Japan and other countries constantly adjust interest rates, making major currency exchange rate fluctuations intensifies, eventually leading to the material price fluctuations of production enterprise caused severe shock. China enterprise mostly in industrial chain, the energy and upper-middle primary product price fluctuations influences of difficulty in production and management, enterprise, especially many small and medium-sized enterprises lack the ability to deal with crises, face greater survival pressure
5. The traditional "popular major" students and "employment disadvantaged groups" of the impact on particularly remarkable, employment presents serious buyer's market characteristics
6. Economic crisis has college graduates in the employment market competition unprecedented fierce, this makes some family conditions are very urgently need employment or their learning research ability strong students postpone employment plan, consider further study, so as to enhance their competitive power and temporarily miss workplace storm rush hour.
7.. Second-hand durable-goods market may welcome, such as some expensive durable necessities, automobiles, home appliance and so on, these products, if in the secondary market with low price sale, may be very popular, for many after 80, 90 after the younger group speaking, if this stage just need these products, they will choose second-hand products as consumption of transition
8. There will be many consumers in unemployment comes before, for his own career began to plan and prepare, so there would be some consumers spend money on charging, school, training, or choose to return to the campus, evaded financial crisis, while improving workplace competitiveness, think the future for preparation
9. The international financial crisis in China's economic hardship, but also for our country accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, promote the coordinate development of the economic society provides a good opportunity.
10. Rural market potential is tremendous development lags behind, the exploring rural market will make the domestic market space greatly expansion. One is the large market volume. The rural population accounts for about 80% of the total population, is composed of main body, visible in the main body of rural residents' consumption. With the development of the rural economy, the rural market capacity will widening. 2 it is the growth in demand space is large.
11. Increase the central government to the local basis constructive investment, this aspect is mainly used for rural and agricultural infrastructure rebuilding and rural people's livelihood engineering construction, and purposefully for remote areas and underdeveloped areas of education and basic medical and health of the social public enterprise's construction and renovation, such not only can fundamentally change people's lives, improve the overall recessive income level, and also encourage consumer confidence for stimulating domestic demand and expand consumer laid a prerequisite.
12. In vigorously promote modern agriculture development and at the same time, execute beneficial to our scientific innovation and technological progress of relevant fiscal policy, and promote the enterprise speeding up the technical renovation and technical progress, accelerate independent research and high-tech products, early from foreign technology monopoly, then forms the independent brand. Meanwhile guide bank for such enterprises preferential loans, thus making industry adjust upgraded to achieve a new standards
13. Strengthen the support to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, contact the regional finance department in financial support level set up special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and contact each district the state development bank actively financing services, the integrated use discount and preferential tax policies tools, and strive for enterprises to solve the difficulty in financing. Increase transfer payments to scale, accelerate regional can coordinate development
14. Quickening enterprise mergers, acquisitions and technology of innovation. Take the initiative to seize the competitors withdraw from the opportune time, increase marketing efforts, and expand the market share. Seize foreign technology company, brand enterprise management difficult favorable opportunity, accelerating technological enterprise and brand enterprise merger speed, positive active integrate enterprise merger boom. Small and medium-sized enterprises should strengthen financial support, and increase enterprise technical transformation investment, vigorously introduce scientific and technological personnel, improve the technology innovation and internationalized management level
15. Increasing international market development dynamics, cultivating new export growth points.
第1个回答  2011-03-03
1.What's the time by your watch?
2.I am about to go to bed after supper.
3.Our school consists of 150 students or so.
4.I always chat with Amy under the tree during lunch,we have great fun.
5.Do you practise speaking english after class?Yes(,I do).
6.Does Daniel like to make model planes?Yes(,he does).
7.Does Simon often write you? No.
8.My older brother like to talk with his friends on the phone.
9.He spends a lot money buying books every year.
10.Can you go there with me?
11.They study in a middle school called N0.2 Middle School.
12.Don't forget to bring your English book here.
13.They go to the swimming club twice a week.
14.My little sister and I like to watch TV.
15.May I turn the light off?Sure


