It's high time that是什么意思?


您好,It's high time that …… 是英语句型中 it 用来指代时间的常用句型,通常意为【是时候该做……了。/ 早该做……了。】的含义,也就是【是时候把之前本应该做而没做的事情现在开始做了。

It's high time that ...It's time that ... 的一种拓展句型,其句子的基础结构为:
It is (about / high) time that + 主语 + 动词的过去式 / should+动词原形


    由 that 引导的为“定语从句”,that 为“副词”词性,在结构上充当“关系副词”的特殊用法,在从句中充当状语,可省略,但不能用 when 替代;

    由 that 引导的“定语从句”不是表建议的的主干动词使用“一般过去式”

    由 that 引导的“定语从句”表建议的主干动词使用“should+主干动词原形”的虚拟语气,而且 should 是不可省略的。


It is high time that you should go to work.

It's high time that we made some changes around here.

It's high time that you cleaned your room.

下表是 It's high time that ... 的简略结构:

it's high time that ...

第1个回答  2023-12-18
1.It is high time that the old plane be scrapped. 这架旧飞机该报废了。 2.It is high time that we put an end to this controversy . 现在的确该停止这场争论了。 3.One more point: comrades on the Standing Committee should pay close attention to building the Party. It is high time that this Party was rectified; there can be no delay. 还有一点,常委会的同志要聚精会神地抓党的建设,这个党该抓了,不抓不行了。 4.Just as parents struggle to teach their children to think ahead, to choose a future and not just drift through life, it is high time that human society as a whole learns to do the same. 正如做父母的总试图教育他们的子女不能浑噩度日,而应该向前看,选择自己的前途,整个人类社会也早该学会这样做了。 5.Through discussions, the parties concerned have unanimously agreed to the notion that it is high time to start preparatory work for the development of water resources of the Nujiang area and had no time to waste. 通过讨论,大家一致认为:怒江流域地区的发展不能再继续等待下云,应以切实可行的步伐向前推进。收藏指正 6.I think that it is high time for the United States Senate and its Members to do some real soul searching and to weigh our consciences as to the manner in which we are performing our duty to the people of America and the manner in which we are using or abusing our individual powers and privileges. 我认为,对于美国参议院及其成员来说,早已到了该这麽做的时候了:反躬自问,作良心上的自我反省,检查一下我们对美国人民的义务履行得如何,我们又是如何利用和滥用自己个人的职权和特权的。收藏指正 7.It is the first time that wrinkles have been linked with high-cholesterol levels. 这是首次将皱纹与高胆固醇联系起来。 8.In view of the present state of the market, it is generally recognized that prices will rule high for some time. 鉴于当前市况,普遍认为价格将在一段时间内维持于高水平上。 9.Result It is proved that the reliability of the device is quite high by applying instruments to detect the ultrasonogram of normal Cunkou radial artery, measuring the distance between apro-capitulum radius and akin and testing the change of inradium and vasomotion, and then to compare it with its Doppler image and that its stability is satisfactory via image analysis in different time intervals. 结果:应用仪器探测正常寸口桡动脉的声像图,测量其远桡骨小头处与皮肤之间的距离、内径、血管运动的变化,与彩色多普勒成像结果进行比较,可靠性强。 不同时段图象分析,其稳定性好。 10.It is experimentally shown that,as for the algorithm we employed the speed of image processing is evidently improved for more than 30% compared to host processing,and high-precision real-time processing of 25 frame/sec is achieved. 并在此基础上通过软件设计实现了图像的流水线并行处理,可明显提高系统处理速度; 通过实验证明,对于文中采用的算法,相比主机本系统可将图像处理速度提高30%以上,达到25帧/s的高精度实时图像处理要求。