
我知道在表示我是的意思的时候要接am,比如i am a student.
但有时候没有表示我是这个意思的时候,什么时候必须接am? 比如i'm sure ,I'm sorry 为什么不可以说i sure, i sorry. 又比如I promise i understand为什么不可以说I'm promise , i understand?

再问一下 what are you doing for?的意思是不是你为什么要这样做?


1 请把你的手拿开(两个人纠缠时,一个人手扯着另一个人的语境)
2 住手(看到两个人在吵架或者纠缠,要求对方停止的语境)
3 我在去北京的路上.
4 你听谁说的?
5 什么意思?
6 请不要说了/请闭嘴(对方喋喋不休,要求对方停嘴的语境,不要shut up这种粗鲁和没礼貌的翻译)
7 你说谁呢?
8 关你什么事
9 你去哪里了? 你要去哪里?


主要是词性,i'm sure 和I'm sorry 中 sure 和sorry 都是形容词,可以解释为我是确定的,我是抱歉的。而I promise i understand中Ipromise i和understand都是动词,所以前面不能加be动词的am,be动词后加动词是被动态的时候应用的.
什么时候要接am主要看am后面所接的内容,一般接形容词(如i'm sure 和I'm sorry 时),名词(如i am a student),介词短语如下面的第三句时都要有am。
what are you doing for?的意思就是你为什么要这样做?
1.please get your hands off me.
2.Stop it.
3.I'm in the way to Beijing.
4.Who told you?
5.What do you mean?
6.Say no more please!
7.Who are you talking about?
8.What‘s your business?
9.Where have you been? Where are you going?


第1个回答  2011-02-14
am vi. (用于第一人称单数现在时)是
i am = i'm
因为 sure 可以是副词, 可以是形容词, sorry 就不可以
i am sure
我是有把握的, 我是肯定的
i am sorry
我是抱歉的, 感到伤心的

i sure 就可以用 i sorry 就不可以, 但是不完整的句子, 解释为 副词
i sure is sick
sorry for waiting.../ sorry 可以用来开头, 但是i sorry 是不成立的

what are you doing for? 你这样做为了什么?

1. please get off your hand (talk off your hand也可以) (生气极的语气: please fuck off you hand)
2. stop it
3. i am on the road to Beijing
4. who did you hear that from ? 一般说: where did you hear that ?你从哪里听回来的?
5. what do you mean?
6. stop talking about that please / quiet please
7. who are you talking?
8. it's not your business
9. where are you going? where do you want to go ?

手工翻译 保证正确本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-02-14
what are you doing for?可以理解为why are you doing? 但完整吗?不完整。

1. please let go of me. (hands off!语气最强)
2. stop (或者你学警察吧freeze!)
3. I am on my way to beijing
4. 你这句一般要转换下,要么where did you get this from?要么 who said it?
5. I beg your pardon? pardon me? what was that again? 这些都表达了你那个问句。what do you mean? 是最直接的咯
6. shut up并不粗鲁没礼貌,只是语气太强而已。你不要这个就用Silence!或者leave me alone.
7. what/who are you talking about
8. why does it concern you?
9. where have you been? where are you going?
第3个回答  2011-02-14
sorry, sure 是ad. promise, understand 是v.
am是be 动词, be动词+v.的话,v.需要用ing 形式.
所以, am+ad./a./n. 如果句子中有其他动词则不需要be动词.


1.take your hands off me.
2.chuck it! / stop!
3.i'm on the way to beijing.
4.who says? / who told you?
5.what do you mean? / what's your point?
6.zip your lips. / say no more, please.
7.who are you talking about?
8.does it concern you? / none of your business.
9.where have you gone/been?
where are you going?