
1,切勿践踏草地。{keep} 2,他谦虚的说他所作的不足挂齿。[worth] 3,上海博物馆对所有学生免费开放,学生们从中受益匪浅[benefit]。 4,很多年后他才明白,每个人,无论强弱贫富,只要他给社会做了贡献,就应得到尊重。before

1. keep off the grass!
2. he said humbly that what he did is not worth mentioning.
3. Shanghai museum is open to all students for free, which benefits the students a lot.
4. it was long before that
第1个回答  2011-02-22
Keep off the grassland.
he modestly said what he has done was not worth praising.
he understood untill many years passed,everybody shoud be respected,if he makes attribution to society,no matter he
第2个回答  2011-02-22
1. keep back!
2. he modestly shows that what he has done is not worth to mentioning。
3. shanghai Museum is free for all the students,and they could get great benefit from it。